The Tag Record
The Tag Record displays all recorded TVQs for a Tag. To access a tag's record, follow these brief steps.
Open the Canary Admin. Select the 'Historian' tile.
Double-click a DataSet tile. Double-click an HDB2 file.
Select a Tag.
The Time Navigation bar is located at the top of the Tag Record. Use the Time Navigation bar to navigate through a tag record to find specific TVQs for a tag. The time navigation bar at the top of the screen indicates which part of the historical record a user can see, up to the last 1,000 TVQs. The checkpoints in the time navigation bar are Vectors.
A Vector is a group of TVQs. The Views service reads tags from the historian by Vectors instead of individual TVQs. Vectors are used by background processes that minimally impact the end user.
The data type of the Tag determines how many TVQs are required before a new Vector begins and the old Vector ends.
Select 'Trend' in the top right hand corner to see the selected TVQ timespan on a trend chart.
Calculated by | Displays the tag name of the original tag that the selected calculated tag is based off of |
CalculatedByGUID | Displays the global unique identifier of the machine that has created the selected calculated tag. |
Metadata Properties | Displays various metadata such as engineering units, high/low setpoints, high/low limits, and custom made metadata as well. |