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National Youth Services Opportunity Process

The primary aim of the National Youth Services (NYS) Programme is to mobilize young people to become active citizens of the country’s democracy, while earning an income and increasing their employability. The envisaged Community Service activities are also aimed at enhancing service delivery efforts and improve the lives of marginalized communities.

Before you start you will need the following information:

  • Organisation name
  • Organisation registration number
  • Contact details (name, surname, email, contact number and job title)
  • It's also important to note that the person creating a profile needs to have authority to accept the T&Cs

If you need additional support along the way, please email us at

Steps to creating a paid opportunity advert

In your home page, you'll see the "Create new opportunity advert" button, click on it and you'll be redirected to capture opportunity details.


Click on 'Job vacancy' and click on 'Start new opportunity' to proceed.


You will then need to complete the following fields before the opportunity advert is live on the SAYouth mobi site;

  • The opportunity details
  • Opportunity requirements
  • Custom Questions
  • Interview



This section allows you to specify the details about your opportunity. You will be asked the following fields:

  • Who is offering the opportunity?
    • This field requires you to provide the work seekers with detail of the opportunity holder (the company name or Project Partner name where applicable) and a sponsoring partner if necessary (Here we will insert NYDA - Phase 2). You will then need to select if the opportunity is a Youth Service Programme requiring funding from the Jobs Fund?


You will then be required to select your Programme start and end date.

  • What is the opportunity?
    • A view of the type of opportunity:
      • Opportunity title: NYS_Youth Participant_Seriti Institute_Western Cape
      • Industry
      • What will the work-seeker's role be?
      • Contract type
      • How long is this contract for? (if applicable)
      • Number of vacancies available
      • Number of applicants that can apply (remember your 1:20 ratio as per above)
      • Opportunity closing date
  • Where is the opportunity?
    • Location of the opportunity
  • Salary and benefits of this position
    • The type of salary the work seekers will be offered and any additional benefits



This section allows you to specify additional requirements for the opportunity. These are the requirements that you need applicants to meet in order to be successful for your opportunity:


  • Tell us what applicants you're looking for?
    • These are the requirements for the opportunity that you would like to be made visible to work seekers when they apply.
    • At this point list those requirements such as education, skills, attitude etc


  • What are the opportunity requirements? (We will use these to recommend work seekers to apply to your opportunity - note that this list of recommendations are not made visible on the opportunity card)
    • Education needed
    • Language/s needed
    • Can applicants have a disability for this opportunity?
    • Gender
    • Race
    • Age



You are able to ask questions as part of a job application process as well as request a voice note from applicants. The following fields are displayed in this section:

  • Pre-set questions
  • Ask custom questions
    • If you would like to ask any of the PREDEFINED questions you can select from the list provided. You are also able to create your own custom questions under this field
    • For the NYS Phase 2 Programme we will only ask 3 main custom questions, viz.,
    • Have you been a participant in the previous NYS Programme (Yes/No)
    • What address site is closest to to you (Dropdown - engage with partner around the sites and include as a dropdown) it may not be the same approach for all partners
    • Do you come from a grant dependent household? (Yes/No)
  • Voice Notes
    • If you would like to assess the applicant's English, you can ask them to record a 60 second voice note, you will need to specify the question the applicant should answer with voice note Eg: Tell us a bit about the place where you were born? or Who is your favorite super hero and why?

Note that you do not have to ask any additional questions, these are optional


Confirm and Submit

Once you have completed capturing all the opportunity details this section allows you to review the opportunity information.

Once you are satisfied with the vacancy details you can then submit the opportunity card and it will become available on the SAYouth mobi site immediately for work seekers to apply.

You can view all your opportunity cards under 'Current Opportunities' or 'Manage Opportunities'

Steps to follow once applicants have applied for the Youth Service Opportunity

Once you have set up and submitted your opportunity card will then become available to work seekers. Work seekers will the apply for the opportunity on the SAYouth Mobisite.

Once this step is complete the Partner will run through the interview process with the applicants and mark the successful applicants as Hired Indicate if an applicant is hired on the Partner Network - Loading Outcomes

How to manage your applicants accepted into the programme

Once you have marked your applicants as hired you will than have to navigate to 'Programmes' on the black navigation bar.


You will be redirected to this screen. Select 'Participant List' this is where you will then have a view of all programmes created.


Select the progamme you would like to manage your participants.

Once you have the full view of your participants you can SMS and update the participants of your choice by selecting the check box next to each name or selecting the dropdown next to 'See More'


How to SMS participants

Select the applicants you want to send an SMS to and then click on SMS Participants.


You will notice in the 'Message Work Seeker' pop up will display the names of work seeker(s) selected and a view of the number of characters that can be used.

If you are satisfied with the message click on 'Send SMS' and a message will be displayed the message has been successfully sent.


Please note when creating a message and staying within the 160 character limit this screen will assist in doing so.

Things to think about when you are crafting an SMS:

  • Please remember to start every SMS you send, with #SAYouth - so that the work seeker knows that this message is related to an opportunity that they applied to via the SAYouth Mobi Site.
  • A work seeker might have applied to multiple opportunity cards. It's useful to state which opportunity you are communicating to them - so include information such as the organisation's name and the role
  • You can also include a link to the opportunity card on mobi
  • If you are sharing an address for an opportunity, remember if the location might be difficult to find, to include landmarks that might help the work seeker find you more easily

How to upload EVidence

Select the applicants you want to upload evidence for and then click on 'Upload Bulk Evidence'.


You will then see this screen.


Select the type of document you would like to upload and select 'Browse' to search for the document on your PC and then select 'Finish' to upload the document.

Note: Should you need any assistance and would like one of our team members to reach out and support you with this process, please reach out to us at

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.