Announcement Banner
🎉What's new?
A blue banner that will tell you and your customers about new releases or other announcements. This banner will appear on the following pages:
Shipment Explorer
Shipment Details
🤷🏻‍♂️ Why are we adding this banner?
To more quickly and effectively tell you and your customers about new releases and other important announcements. This can help increase platform engagement for your customers, which is directly correlated to escalated value, customer happiness, and retention.
Additionally, we have learned there are features in Logixboard not all customers know about, so this will also be a tool to tell you, and your customers, about underutilized, but highly valuable, features.
1. Who will the banner be displayed to?
The banner will be displayed to ALL users. This includes your employees and customers.
2. How long will the banner be displayed for?
The banner will be displayed until the user dismisses it by clicking on the x in the right side of the banner OR if they click on the link.
3. What happens if they click on “Click here”?
They will be directed to the corresponding page in the platform related to the banner’s announcement. It will also dismiss the banner from appearing again.
4. Will this affect demo instances?
Yes, it will be displayed for ALL users.
5. Can I customize the content that is displayed in the banner or the color of the banner?
No, not at this time.
6. How often can I expect to see announcement banners?
We want to use banners to alert you to new and important features, but will not overuse it because we do not want to cause banner fatigue.
7. Can we make the banner display only to certain users?
Not currently, that is something we will possibly be working on in the future.