Reschedule SOP: Processing Private Tour Reschedules
Now that our teams have worked through the process of requesting a private tour reschedule and procuring the client's alternate availability, it is up to us to process and update the scheduled walk and order. The workflows below are divided by team to account for minor differences.
Related Cards:
- Reschedule SOP: Requesting CX - Initiated Reschedules
FX Processing Responsibilities
- Handled by full-time staff ONLY
- All FX-initiated reschedules
- All reschedules for contracted tours
- After Hours Vatican
- Duomo Exclusive Terraces
- Early Entry Tower of London
- All reschedules for partner tours
How to process a reschedule
- Task page filter settings:
- Delivery region: whichever is applicable
- status: incomplete
- category: reschedule
- country/city
- due now
- Starting with one task at a time, open the order and view the request - CX should have left it as a comment to our initial request
- Before starting the reschedule process, it's important to double check that you are not about to reschedule a group or 'prescheduled' tour. If it's either, please comment back to CX to process as a rebooking.
- first, utilize the Available Tours Tool to make sure there are guides available/no blocks for the requested date/time
- Assignment and Date/Time Update
- cancel the guide if one is assigned
- Use the “Context Rescheduled” tool to notify guide if tour is being adjusted to a date/time within 2 days on either side of the original date/time
- Outside of +/-2 days, use “‘Context Canceled” instead
- On the sched walk, change the date/time
- Keep ‘notify clients’ box UNCHECKED
- Reassign guide - preferably keep original guide at top of assignment list if available
- If using the reschedule cancellation reason, be sure you reassign the guide as quickly as possible to not confuse the guide
- Be sure to check if the client is a VIP! We will need to ensure a VIP or equal guide is assigned to the new tour.
- Concierge Services
- For FX requested reschedules, we do not charge clients for new concierge services!
- Tickets
- First: are there tix attached to the sched walk that cannot be used for the new date/time?
- If yes: move these to the repository by removing the sched walk id from the upload form.
- Second: check for available tix for the new/date time in the repository using the ‘transfer tix’ button.
- If yes: move these to the sched walk and continue processing the reschedule
- If no: reopen the concierge service task and comment to secure new ones
- "new date/time, get tix!" etc
- Headsets
- simply reopen the concierge service task and comment to secure new ones
- "new date/time/guide, update vendor!" etc
- Car Services
- Please note: if SD is within 1 week and there is a car service, you must cancel this immediately with the provider before moving forward
- This applies even when we are not charging clients for a new car service.
- For FX requested reschedules, we do not charge clients for new concierge services
- simply reopen the concierge service task and comment to secure new ones
- "new date/time/guide, rebook car!" etc
- Adjust the QA task to fire 3 days before the new SD
- Keep the reschedule task active in the regional list list, adding a comment so that you can keep track of it’s progress
- Once the reschedule is confirmed, you need to add a comment saying so, and comment on the task to alert the cx team.
- If there is any charge pending on the order, be sure to include that in your comment
Please Note: If CX is processing a reschedule (see their workflow below), they will re-open FX ticket, car, boat, and headset tasks to be repurchased/updated due to the reschedule. CX will not flip their active reschedule task to FX; HOWEVER, CX is reliant on FX actioning on the re-opened tasks quickly so that they can confirm the new date with the clients. If you need to push any of the re-opened FX tasks back, please leave a comment on CX's reschedule task as to why.
Who is responsible for this workflow
- CX Regional Leads
- CX Managers
CX Ops Processing Responsibilities
- All CX-initiated reschedules
- exceptions: partner and contract tours - PLEASE TRIAGE THE RESCHEDULE TASK TO FX TO PROCESS.
- After Hours Vatican
- Duomo Exclusive Terraces
- Early Entry Tower of London
Really Important to Remember
It is our responsibility to add the $50 reschedule fee to the order along with any other concierge services that might need to be charged again for the new tour (tickets or other incidentals). We only add the new fees after we’ve been able to confirm the new tour with a guide so that we don’t charge and then have to refund them.
How to process a CX INITIATED reschedule
- Task page filter settings:
- team: [correct regional task list - cx_isea, cx_papasuki, cx_france]
- status: incomplete
- category: reschedule
- due now
Before starting the reschedule process, it's important to double check that you are not about to reschedule a group or 'prescheduled' tour. If it's either, please flip the task back to the teammate that set the task to process as a rebooking.
Starting with one task at a time, open the order and view the request
- first, utilize the Available Tours Tool to make sure there are guides available for the requested date/time
- Check if the tour is a partner tour or a contract tour
- if yes, flip the reschedule task to FX
- cancel the guide if one is assigned
- Use the “Context Rescheduled” tool to notify guide if tour is being adjusted to a date/time within 2 days on either side of the original date/time
- Outside of +/-2 days, use “Context Canceled” instead
- On the sched walk, change the date/time
- Keep ‘notify clients’ box UNCHECKED
- Reassign guide - if the original guide is available for the new date/time, please send the assignment to them first by selecting only them from the assignment queue. If they reject, please re-launch the assignment to the remaining available guides. Select a simul assignment only in the case of an urgent reschedule (within 3 days).
- If using the reschedule cancellation reason, be sure you reassign the guide as quickly as possible to not confuse the guide
- Be sure to check if the client is a VIP! We will need to ensure a VIP or equal guide is assigned to the new tour.
- Check if the tour has tickets, boat or car services
- Tickets
- Cancel original ticket line items. Do not cancel baked in services like cars and boats
- Add new concierge services to the order
- we add these in at this step in the process as we need to have the new tickets tasks appear! We do not want open the old FX tickets tasks to avoid confusion.
- SUPER IMPORTANT! Move original tickets back to the ticket repository by deleting the associated scheduled walk id from the tickets upload form.
- HOW TO REMOVE A TICKET FROM A SCHED WALK : FX Team: Managing Tickets On A Sched Walk
- Comment on the new ticket tasks "tour has been rescheduled, please buy new tickets"
- Headsets
- Since headsets reservations can be rescheduled and we do not need to create a net new booking, simply reopen the concierge service task and comment to secure new ones "new date/time/guide, update vendor!"
- Car and Boat Services
- Since headsets reservations can be rescheduled and we do not need to create a net new booking, simply reopen the concierge service task and comment to update the our provider "new date/time/guide, update vendor!"
- SUPER IMPORTANT! Check the service date and add the Global Reschedule concierge service to each rescheduled walk if necessary
- If surge pricing is applied to a tour, we need to add the price difference using a concierge service (ie. Paris Concierge Service, Context London Services, Rome Concierge Service) + charge
- Adjust the QA task to fire 3 days before the new SD
- When finished all the actions you can take, update the due date by no more than 2 days and update the status to in_progress. Add a comment of all the actions you took and what the next steps should be so you can keep track of your progress. Be very vigilant about rescheduling - we should be able to confirm with clients the new date within 3 days.
- Once the tour is fulfilled, CX Lead will then inform the clients/TA directly or get the teammate owning the order to confirm the reschedule or cancel the tour:
- Comment on the task alerting the appropriate teammate
RESCHEDULE GRANTED! Please charge client for new tickets and the reschedule fee if added to the order. Send new confirmation and receipt as well. - Important: if you yourself are handling communication with the client, you MUST remember to send the confirmation as well.