Chrome Extensions for Wellness (via Noom)
Extension | Snapshot | Link | Notes |
Fresh Air | Fresh Air Chrome Extension | Fresh Air is a New Tab extension built for chrome that leads you through a simple breathing exercise before you browse. It’s designed to help you take a break, take a breath, and become more mindful while mindlessly browsing the web. | |
DeskAthlete | DeskAthlete Chrome Extension | Short, simple exercises to improve your mobility and fitness while at your desk. | |
Calm | Calm Chrome Extension | Do you find yourself mindlessly checking websites and wish you did so less frequently? Calm for Chrome will invite you to take a deep breath before letting you check a website on your “blacklist.” It doesn’t block you from doing anything but instead just makes you more mindful of what you are doing. If you realize, after taking a deep breath, that you were mindlessly checking a site, you can, at that point, simply close the page, or alternatively, take a healthier break offered via | |
NimbusMind: Meditation, Relax, and Calm | NimbusMind Chrome Extension | Learn how to meditate, mindfulness, stress less. Nature sounds, live wallpapers and more. | |
PostureMinder | PostureMinder Chrome Extension | Reminds you to sit up straight with pop-up notifications at specified time intervals. | |
Water Reminder | Water Reminder Chrome Extension | Get reminders to stay hydrated through your Chrome web browser. Customization options include setting reminder frequency, reminder type including audio, visual, or both, as well as audio reminder sound. Customizations are saved for convenience as well as being synced across multiple browser instances. | |
Healthy Browsing | Healthy Browsing Chrome Extension | Reminders to drink water, blink, correct your posture and stretch for a healthier browsing. | |
stretch reminder | stretch reminder Chrome Extension | Sitting down for long periods of time during a day can lead to a great number of health problems that ultimately shorten your lifespan. This app helps you live longer. | |
30s Neck Stretch | 30s Neck Stretch Chrome Extension | 30s Neck Stretch is a Chrome extension specially designed for your everyday neck health. | |
Screen Shader | Smart Screen Tinting | Screen Shader Chrome Extension | Shades Chrome to a soothing orange color to decrease eye-strain, eye fatigue and to appease your brain's day/night cycle. | |
Dark Reader | Dark Reader Chrome Extension | Dark mode for every website. Take care of your eyes, use dark theme for night and daily browsing. |