Delete Customer Data
For more detailed information, see TechNote #284
In accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), you have the ability to easily remove personally identifiable information for any individual Customer in PostalMate.
What information is removed?
For any specific Customer...
Phone number
Email address
Mailbox ID information
This feature is located in PM Utilities. From any station, close PostalMate and CashMate and open PM Utilities.
Choose Tools > Delete Customer Data
Find the customer you wish to delete personally identifiable information and click OK.
You will see the following warning. If you wish to proceed, choose Yes.
You will then see this message.
You will not be able to delete customer data in the following conditions:
Customers that have shipped within the last 90 days.
Customers that have an open mailbox.
Customers that have closed their mailbox within 180 days.
Customers that have an open Credit, Debit, or Invoice Account.