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Create and Submit an Expense Report

OVERVIEW: Viewing Expense Account

In order to submit an expense report in MyDay, you will need to have a Payment Election - Expense created. To see if you have an Expense Payment Election set up.

Step 1: Click the Global Navigation Menu icon in the top left corner.

Step 2: Click the “Pay” icon.blob

Step 3: Click Payment Elections under the Actions menu

Step 4: You should see two payment elections: Regular and Expense.


Once you begin to create an expense report, this report will be saved so your work will not be lost.

Step 1: Type “Create Expense Report” in the search bar at the top of the screen and click on the Create Expense Report task. You can also create an expense report by clicking the Global Navigation Menu, then the Expenses app. and then clicking on the Create Expense Report button in the Actions meu.


This is what the expense report looks like:


Please note the following:

All information on this first screen is considered the “HEADER” page.

  • Instructional Information: Please refer to the instructions provided on the right-hand side of the screen for additional information, including The New School’s Business and Travel Policy.

  • University Credit Card Charges:
    If you have been issued a university credit card - you are required to wait for the credit card transactions to load into your profile before you submit these expenses. All credit card charges must be reconciled and submitted within 30 days of the expense.
    Once loaded the charges will appear in the chart on the lower half of the screen and you will have the ability to import them into your expense report.
  • You can copy a previously used expense report. This is especially useful when you are creating an expense report that has similar lines. Once you select “Copy Previous Expense Report”, you can choose from your list of reports you would like to copy.
  • Ensure that all of your Worktags and FDM values are correct. Your home cost center information, fund, and program will automatically default in. Please verify that this information is correct and make changes as needed.
  • Use the additional worktags field to tag the specific Gift, Grant, and/or Project that these expenses are contributed to. Please note that multiple tags can be used if necessary.
  • The Memo and Business Purpose are required fields. Please enter the Memo as you would the Title of the report and select the appropriate Business Purpose type from the dropdown menu. This will assist you in finding a report.
  • If you miss completing either of this Memo or Business Purpose, the report will show an error alert and ask you to go back and correct. The errors will look like this:



In the Expense Report Information Section, you will complete additional information and add expense report lines.

  • The Company will always be The New School
  • The Expense Report Date will automatically default to the current date
  • The Business Purpose field will be used to designate the appropriate business purpose by using the Prompt Icon to display a pick-list of options.


If everything looks correct, click OK at the bottom of the page. On the following screen, you will complete additional information and add expense report lines.


Verifying Reimbursement Payment Type is set to Direct Deposit

Please note If your Reimbursement Payment Type is not automatically set up as Direct Deposit in the Expense Report Reference Information section, the report will direct you back to the “Header” field to update. To verify this information:

Step 1: Click the Header tab.


Step 2: Select the “Edit” button and update missing/incorrect information. You will need to change before submitting to Direct Deposit (Payment Election expense must be set up; please refer to pg 1 of this document.)


You have now completed the Header section of the expense report and will move onto adding expense lines to the expense report.

Adding Expense Lines to Expense Report

Step 1: Click on the Expense Lines tab and then click the Add button. To add another expense item click the Add button as necessary to complete your report. To remove an expense line, click the trash can icon to the right of the expense line on the right-hand side of the screen.


It is easier to type in the search field of “Expense Item” the name of the item you are looking for OR search from the selection provided. Credit card charges can be moved in from the expense report screen by clicking on the check box next to the expense item or clicking the Credit Card Transactions option from the dropdown menu and then clicking OK.


This is what the next page will look like:


The Cost Center, Fund, and Program will automatically populate from the first screen; adjust if necessary. The Cost Center, Fund, Program and additional FDM values do not copy over from last enter or existing in report.

Additional Worktags for Grants, Gifts, and Projects can be added per expense line as well. Continue to the Item Details section to complete the expense line item (Expense Item, Merchant, memo, etc).

Depending on the expense item that you select, you may have to fill out additional information, like the Merchant. Be sure to fill out all required fields with an asterisk.

The Business Reason line is a text field that can be entered in short text.

The Attachments File section can be used to attach a receipt by dragging and dropping, searching your computer, or by adding from the MyDay Mobile application.

You can also take pictures of your receipts and import them to your expense report as well. You can use the MyDay app for saving receipts while traveling.

NOTE: You are required to attach an itemized receipt to each expense line where the total is $25 or over.

The report totals will appear in the top right of the report. If the reimbursement shows a negative number ($0.00), this is the amount you owe The New School for a personal expense.


To save your work and complete the expense report, click the Save for Later button. Saved Expense reports are draft reports and can be accessed to complete at a later time. Once you have added all the expense line items, click the Submit button. Once submitted the expense report will be routed to the Cost Center Manager for approval. You now see more detail around which step in the approval process your expense report is in (i.e. Waiting Cost Center Manager Approval).


Itemization/Hotel Itemization

Per The New School Policy, hotel expenses should be itemized. To do so, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Begin by repeating the steps above to create a new expense report.

Step 2: Select “Hotel” as your expense item and fill in all the required fields. The total amount of your hotel bill should be entered before clicking itemize.


Step 3: The itemization will now appear on the right-hand side of the screen for you to complete. Start with the Edit button to complete the room rate and daily expenses.


Add the appropriate expense items from your hotel receipt. To add other expense items to your hotel itemization, click on Add button and add expense items accordingly.

Please look at the Remaining Amount to Itemize to ensure that your itemization total matches the total amount of your receipt. The itemization total must be zero once you are done recording items from your bill. Once you have entered all of your hotel expenses click on the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.


To mark an expense item (Credit card charge or Cash Advance Received/Returned) as personal, click the personal box.

With the exception of Cash Advance Received/Returned charges, you can itemize the charge if a portion of the expense is personal. In the example below, $250 of the expense is personal and $250 will be charged to the FDM value listed.


Creating Non-Staff Attendees (Business Meal with Guests)

When dining with non-TNS staff it is mandatory to include the business purpose and the attendee. Once you have selected the expense item Business Meals with Others, you will be required to fill out details about the attendees in the item details section.

Use the prompt icon to select the attendees from the categories available or Create a New Guest. When new guests are created, MyDay will remember them for future use.

You will be brought to the below screen, where you will be prompted to fill out information about the attendees Name, Title, and Company. When you are done, Click OK. You will return to the expense report line item where you can repeat as necessary.


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