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Create Deal Template in V2


  1. Log into the partners V2 Enerflo instance.
  2. Click on the Settings menu button at the bottom of the menu banner on the left.
  3. Select the Deals menu option
  4. Select the Deal Templates menu optionUpdate_Image.png
  5. Click the + New Deal button in the upper right._New_Deal.png
  6. Name the DealName_the_Deal.png

Adding Plugins to v2 Deal Template

If you haven't already enabled and configured the plugins you need, see this Guru card: Enabling and Configuring V2 Plugins

With your plugins enabled and configured, you can now add them to an existing or new Deal Template.

Select the Deal Template to which you would you like to add plugins. Initially, all of your deal template will be collapsed. Click on the + sign next to the Deal Template you wish to modify. Once you've finished building or editing your Deal Template, be sure it is active and selected as the "current" deal type.Deal_Template_Add_Plugins.png

You can now see that Deal Templates can have multiple versions in various statuses. Note the active deal template will have an Active status. You may see other deal templates with Draft or Archived statuses. The current version of the deal type you have chosen will have a Current tag. Click on the version of the deal template you wish to modify.Deal_Template_Add_Plugins.png

If the deal template is currently active, you will see a banner that gives you the option to create a revision or unlock the current version to make an edit. Pick the option that best suits your needs.Deal_Template_Edit.png

The plugins that were enabled and configured previously (Enabling and Configuring V2 Plugins) are now available here. Click on the encircled plus sign in the upper right hand of each plugin you wish to add to this deal template. As was mentioned previously, for a minimum deal flow you'll want to select, Consumption, Designs, Proposals, Contracting, Legacy, and Project Submission. Most deal flows also require some sort of Financing plugin as well. Once you have selected the necessary plugins, click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the page. Now your Stages and Plugins menus are populated with plugins!Deaign_Template_Plugin_Select.png

A quick note about the Proposals plugin, now that it's been added here, you'll need to add the proper Pricing model. Click on the Proposal stage, then click on Manage Plugin settings in the blue banner. Proposals_Manage.png

Then click the unlock to edit link in the tan banner. Confirm that you'd like to edit the existing plugin. Now click on the empty field under the Pricing Model, select the appropriate pricing model. Click Save. proposals_full.png

As is, these stages are likely not useful in their current order nor complete in their totality. To order these stages into a proper deal flow, you'll want to drag them into their ideal order. Click and hold on the bulleted list icon on the right of each stage to drag and drop it where you'd like. Clicking any of the plugin-derived stages will reveal settings that you have the option to modify. Each of these requirements will be defined by the Org. Deal_Type_Ordering_Plugins.png

Creating Questions and Visibility Filters in the Deal Template

Regarding the completeness of the stages, you may want to add stages that aren't plugins such as a PreQualification stage. To add a stage click on the + Add Stage button. Deal_Template_Add_Stage.png

You will now need to create a stage Title and visibility rules. Note: the ID field will fill in automatically as you type the Title. When you click on the Visible When or Disable When fields, they will populate with operators or field names that you can use to set the desired behavior. Once you've set the criteria, click Done. This new stage will now show up in your Stages menu and can be moved around accordingly. It's worth noting that Deal Templates have 4 layers of organization. From largest to smallest, they are Stage, Substage, Field Group, and Field. Stages and Substages drive the flow of the deal. Fields and Field Groups define what's in each stage. With that in mind, when you add a Stage, you will have the option to also buildout any of the other organizational layers. Deal_Template_Stage_Visibility_Operators.png

Referring back to our PreQualification mention. Let's say we need this stage to encompass all the questions around HOAs, Utility Details, Site Details, and Additional Items before we can move any further into the deal flow. The best practice is to build them out as Substages. The process for building a Substage is the same as building a Stage.

Digging a little deeper, let's say your HOA substage has two questions where question 2 is dependent on question 1. We will build each of these out as Fields rather than Field Groups. I'll explain the reasoning in just a moment. Our first question is: 1) Does the signer live in an HOA? Yes or NO 2)What is the name of the HOA? We'll provide a String field for the response.

As you can see, the second question is unnecessary if the first question response is "No". So we can make question 2 dependent on the "Yes" response to question 1. Since question 2 is dependent on question 1, these two questions can't be set up in a Field Group. Field Groups apply all criteria across all the questions in the field group.

One scenario that would lend well to setting up the questions in a Field Group could be this line of questioning:

  1. Does the home need a new roof? Yes or No.
  2. What type of material is the roof? Shingle, Metal, Clay, Slate, [...]
  3. Does the roof need new trusses? Yes or No
  4. Will the roof need new gutters? Yes or No.

Can you see how questions 2-4 will need answered if the answer to question 1 is "Yes"? Similarly, can you see that none of the questions 2-4 need to hide behind or be dependent on the other questions in this set? Consequently, these questions can be built into a Field Group which is dependent on the response to question 1.

To get an idea of how this hierarchy plays out for the sales rep, take a look at the image below. With all of your stages, substages, fields, and field groups established, your deal flow is ready for prime time!


For the time being, there is also a little bit of setup that needs to happen on the back end in order for new deal templates to connect back to the appropriate lead the way they should. If you're an Enerflo Partner creating a brand new deal template on your own, please reach out to Enerflo Support or your PSM for a hand getting this across the finish line!

Related Guru Cards:

v2 Deal Template Stages, Substages, Fields, and Field Groups

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