Political Campaign Dashboard Request Process For Historical Orders [before 10.10.23]
Overview: this card instructs the Support team on how to request political campaign dashboard Access for new political line Brands for Historical orders only as the new case workflow was implemented on 10.10.23
Description: The Support team will be managing dashboard access requests for all new Political Brands and users. Please note there is only one single Political Campaign Dashboard containing all Political lines across all Brands. Therefore, users must be requested access to only the required Brands they work on.
- Navigate to the TTD Campaigns for Sisense Dash Access report in Salesforce
- Refer to the "Scheduled AE Access Date" column to request dashboard access for all new Brands with an access date less than or equal to "today". Also refer to the Status column to ensure we only grant access to users with Orders in "Live" status so there is data available to show in the dashboard.
- Do not request access before the "Scheduled AE Access Date"
- Do not request access for Orders not yet in "Live" status
- An empty "AE/Client Access Granted" box indicates the users have not yet been granted access to the Brand in the Sisense Dashboard
- Ensure that each user listed has access to the Brand in the UP as the Sisense Brand limitations will mirror those in the UP.
- Create one new case per Brand to request that the users be granted access to the Brand in the Sisense custom dashboard
- Create an Analytics Engineering case in Salesforce
- Select "New" case, AE record type, and click next
- Due date = Today, end of day
- Sub-Area = Internal Project Request
- Subject = TTD Sisense Dashboard access request
- Description = include the following
- Brand Name
- AE Email and UP Company Name
- Secondary AE Email and UP Company Name
- Order Account Manager Email and UP Company Name
- Order Campaign Manager Email and UP Company Name
- Client 1 and UP Company Name
- Client 2 and UP Company Name
- Client 3 and UP Company Name
- *Some of the above email fields will be blank in the Salesforce report. If so, skip those.
- Click "Save"
- Now your Salesforce case is created! Now it is time to create the JIRA ticket!
- Click "Create Jira Issue" in the JIRA section of the Salesforce case
- No need to edit any fields, just click "Review & Create"
- Then click "Create"
- Now you have your JIRA ticket connected to your Salesforce case!
- Click into the connected JIRA ticket opening up JIRA
- Update the "Assignee" field on the right-hand side details to Rupal.Gandi
- Once the JIRA ticket is closed by Rupal, verify in the dashboard that all users indeed have access to the Brand [Meg to update this with more details]
- Once verified, refer back to the TTD Campaigns for Sisense Dash Access report in Salesforce to check the "AE/Client Access Granted" box to signal that access has been granted and validated
- Update our Political Campaign Dashboard Access Tracker Google document to add the new Brand in Column A and the new users starting in Column B so we have a record of everyone who has access to each Brand
- This Order should now fall off the report as access has been granted. You are done, thank you!