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Display Columns Add - Screen Overview

Display ColumnsAdd

Screen Code: gllprtci

Allows you to create columns that have up to nine columns for any report. Sequentially number each column. The column heading is displayed on the report above each column. The character “^” is used to specify where you want the column heading to split into another line. For example “Monthly” would be on one line and directly underneath would be the word “Actual”. The Result Description and Fund no are both optional. The Result description is for documentation and does not print on the report.

Navigation Tip: General Ledger >> Year End Processing >> Additional Period JE's and Reports >>Work with Display Sheet >> Right-click any format >> Click Column >> Click Add New Data + button from the Common Actions.


Right-click menu options also available to perform the action.


Action Options:




Allows you to edit column heading, result description, and include fund number.


Allows you to view, copy and edit column formulas for the selected columns.


Allows you to create a new column print field from any existing column fields to a new column field.

Column Formula

Allows you to include any specific formula or calculations.

Insert Before

Insert Before Column.

Insert After

Insert After Column.

Click Add New Data + button on the Work with Print Column page.


It has the following parameters:



Column ID

Column ID

Column Heading

Column Heading; ^ refers to column wrap.

Result description

Max length allowed is 20 characters.

Fund number

Name of the Fund Number.
Leaving blank or zero lists all the fund numbers.
Upon entering a fund name, Fund group selection will be disabled.

Click Submit. Display Details Add page appears.


It has the following parameters:



Field Type

Database - Fields will be selected from the database.
Constant - used in a formula such as increasing all the amounts by 3% to do a 'What if' scenario.

Field Value

Refer below table.


This is the operation to be performed in this column formula. Not every formula will require an operation.
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
- Percentage


If the formula becomes complex, parenthesis may be required.
- (
- )

From Period, To Period

The from and to periods specify what time frame you should include data. There are several ways to specify the time frame. If the value is blank, you will use the period ending date at the time the report is run. All periods are specified with the slashes. In addition, you can specify the from and to periods as follows:
mm/yy or mm/yyyy . The mm is the two-digit month and yy is the two-digit year and yy is the century and year and mm is the two-digit month.

Field Values:



Transaction Amount

Actual Amount.

Encumbrance Amount

Amount of unpaid PO's.

Adopted Budget Amount

Amount of the original budget without amendments.

Revised Budget Amount

Amount of the budget including amendments.

Revised Budget Tran Amount

Amount of the amendments.

Requested Budget Amount

Amount of the budget from the budget module.

Column Formulas

There are two types of fields you can include in the formulas. The most common type is Databases. There are six different database values you can include in the report. The other field type is Constant. You can include in the formula a constant value. For example, to run a report to determine the total revenues would be if you had an across-the-board 5% increase. The increase would be a constant of .05. If you choose a field type of “Database” then there are six field choices.



Transaction amount

The actual dollar amount for the account.

Encumbrance amount

Any encumbrance amount for the account.

Adopted budget amount

Original adopted budget value without any amendments.

Revised budget amount

Revised budget value including any amendments made during the year.

Revised budget tran amount

Total of the amendments made.

Requested Budget Amount

This value comes from the budget system. This provides a method of displaying values from a budget revision level.


The operation for the calculation can be +, -, *, / which corresponds to add, subtract, multiply and divide respectively. If the calculation is more complex, use parentheses to group the values. If you are simply adding two numbers, the operation addition is put with the first value. The operation is not required. You could simply have a column with a single value. The “from” and “to” periods specify what time frame should include data. There are several ways to specify the time frame. If either of the values is blank, use the period ending date at the time the report is run. All periods are specified with the slashes. In addition, you can specify the “from” and “to” periods as follows:



mm/yy or mm/yyyy

The mm is the two-digit month and yy is the two-digit year and yyyy is the century and year.


The mm is the two-digit month and -# specifies how many years back should be included. For example, 10/-0 is October of the current year, whereas 10/-1 is October of the prior year.

Version 1.1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.