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To differentiate an Ad-hoc issue, add 'Ad-hoc' component to it


To identify an outlier that we want to ignore in the reports, tag it with an 'outlier' label.

Background epics

To exclude epics from cycle time aggregation, tag them with a “background“ label. Typically, such epics are long-running buckets. For the sake of iterative release, note, that the roadmap-related or OKR-related epics should NOT contain this label.

Quarterly roadmap

To differentiate what issues are part of the roadmap and contribute to it, use a label in “YY-QN” format, eg. “23-Q1”. Such quarterly label is inheritable from a parent issue (epic, increment or an initiative) in a transitive form.

OKR-related initiatives

In order to differentiate the roadmap-related initiatives further down to OKR/non-OKR related, use “OKR“ label.

Quarterly roadmap preparation phase

The roadmap is just a visualization of tactics to achieve our goals, saying what are the increments and epics as specific steps leading us to the goal.

We must pay attention to how teams prepare their roadmap:

  1. Value mapping session: choose the top 2-3 most meaningful initiatives contributing to the quarterly goals.
  2. Inception sessions: slice initiatives to epics/increments of short duration, typically 1 month.
  3. Final planning: Resolve inter-team dependencies and ensure the team can handle the expected capacity. Pay attention to how much time the team spends working on or off-roadmap; as well as to leftovers from the previous quarter, if any.
  4. Representation: translate the tactics to Jira with all the initiatives, child increments and child epics. Apply the quarterly label in them.


A Team is recognized from a Components or a Sprint name fields:

1CASE2WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'CRM') THEN 'CRM'3WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'LM') THEN 'LM'4WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'MKT') OR CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'Marketing') THEN 'Marketing'5WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'DevOps') THEN 'DevOps'6WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'MAP') THEN 'PnT MAP'7WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'PX') OR CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'PP') OR CONTAINS(UPPER("b"."sprint_name"), 'PRODUCT') THEN 'PnT Prod'8WHEN CONTAINS("b"."sprint_name", 'Sales') THEN 'Sales'9--10WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'CRM') THEN 'CRM'11WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'LM') THEN 'LM'12WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'MKT') OR CONTAINS("b"."components", 'Marketing') THEN 'Marketing'13WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'DevOps') THEN 'DevOps'14WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'MAP') THEN 'PnT MAP'15WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'PX') OR CONTAINS("b"."components", 'PP') OR CONTAINS(UPPER("b"."components"), 'PRODUCT') THEN 'PnT Prod'16WHEN CONTAINS("b"."components", 'Sales') THEN 'Sales'17ELSE null END1819

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