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Feature Documentation & Index

Use this template to document an upcoming product feature and any product support information your team will need. Learn more about this template.

Upcoming product launch—What is it?

Give a description of the feature that's going live.


How does it work?

How would you explain this feature to someone who has never seen your product before?

Benefits & Value

How does this help your customer solve a problem?

Feature Attributes

  • List specific feature attributes here (e.g., what has changed, how the change may impact other features, etc.)


  • Include more detailed feature specifications here, and/or link out to a separate card with detailed specifications


This feature will cost $X, and here's the reasoning behind the price.


Index of Related Cards & Resources


Link to other Guru cards here.

Sales & CS Messaging & Processes
Link to other Guru cards here.

Training & Step-By-Step Guides
Link to other Guru cards here.

Setup & Implementation
Link to other Guru cards here.

Examples & Customer Resources
Link to other Guru cards or multimedia resources here.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.