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Transferring & Re-Enrolling Students in PowerSchool

STEP 1: Transferring OUT of an Evergreen Catholic School
Note: Before transferring the student out of your school, be sure to generate any necessary report information you may require.

  1. Select the student and choose Functions from the left side menu.
  2. Click Transfer out of School.
    1. Verify that the student who will be transferred out is the student you have selected.
    2. Enter a comment regarding the transfer if applicable.
    3. Enter the Date of transfer (should be the day after the student's last day in class).
    4. Enter the applicable Exit code.
    5. Set the Exit Date Type to Withdrawal Date.
    6. New Responsible School:
      1. If you have confirmed this student is enrolling in another Alberta School, leave this field Blank.
      2. If you have confirmed the student is moving out of Province, set this field to No.
      3. If you haven't confirmed or are unsure where this student will be enrolling, set this field to Unknown.
    7. Check the box if the student is intending to return to this school during the next school year.
  3. Click Submit.

STEP 2: Transferring TO Another School Within Evergreen Catholic School Division
Note: This set of instructions should be completed AFTER STEP 1 listed above.

  1. Select the "Inactive" student by typing the forward slash and the student's surname (e.g., /smith) and verify that the student's status is set to "Transferred Out" at the top of the page.
  2. Click Functions from left side menu.
  3. Click Transfer to Another School.
    1. Verify that the student who will be transferred to another school is the student you have selected.
    2. Select the Evergreen Catholic School that the student will be attending from the drop down menu.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Contact the receiving school to inform them that this student is now ready to be "re-enrolled" at their school.

STEP 3: RE-ENROLLING Into the Receiving Evergreen Catholic School
Note: This set of instructions should be completed by the Receiving School AFTER STEP 1 and STEP 2 listed above have been completed by the previous school.

  1. Search for the "Inactive" student by typing the forward slash and the student's surname (e.g., /smith).
  2. Click Functions from the left side menu.
  3. Click Re-Enroll in School.
    1. Verify that the student who will be re-enrolled is the student you have selected.
    2. Enter the Date of re-enrollment (this should be the first day that the student will be attending classes).
    3. Enter the applicable Entry code from the drop down menu (i.e., 310 (Transfer-In: School in same authority)).
    4. Enter a comment if applicable.
    5. Enter the Full-Time Equivalency field (*NOTE: this field is necessary for proper attendance calculations).
    6. Enter the Grade Level the student is entering.
    7. Enter the applicable Track if your school uses Tracks in the calendar setup (*NOTE: this field is necessary for proper attendance calculations. If your school does not use tracks in the calendar, leave this field blank)
    8. Set the Restore class enrollments field accordingly (if this student is new to your school, this field will be set to No).
    9. Enter all applicable fields in the Alberta Information section.
      1. Programming Type = Regular
      2. Programming Timeframe = Day
      3. Exit Date Type = Completion Date
      4. Is there a new responsible school? = Yes
      5. Transition Reason = choose the applicable reason (if unsure, click here for descriptions)
      6. Enter all remaining fields that apply to the student.
  4. Click Submit.

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