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MyDay Time and Scheduling Hub for Managers

This guide is intended for managers who approve time entries and time off requests for direct reports.

Managers can configure the Time and Scheduling Hub in MyDay to enable quick access to frequently used Time Tracking and Absence Management tasks and reports. The Hub includes the following tabs: Review and Approve Time; Edit and Approve Time; and Team Absence Calendar.

Enable the Time and Scheduling Hub

Managers will need to set up the Time and Scheduling Hub app in MyDay.

  1. Sign into MyDay and click the Global Navigation Menu icon in the top left corner.
    Home-Workday (19).png
  2. Click the “Add Apps” button at the end of the page.
    Home-Workday (17).png
  3. Type "Time and Absence" in the search bar and click the plus sign next to Time and Absence to add the app.Home-Workday (20).png

View of the Time and Scheduling Hub:

Overview-Workday (1).png

Review and Approve Time Entries

  1. Select Review and Approve Time.
  2. The Date will default to today's date.
  3. There are three options for the Show field. Select the appropriate option.
    1. All Workers
      If you select "All Workers" those with pooled positions will also display. Please ignore those with pooled positions as they do not enter time.
    1. Workers with Hours to Approve (RECOMMENDED)
    2. Workers with Unsubmitted Hours
  4. Click OK.
  5. It will default to the current time period. Click Previous Period or Next Period to switch the time period if needed.
  6. Select Workers with Submitted Time.
    Review-Time-Workday (1).png
  7. Click on the workers name to review their time sheet. From here you may approve, enter additional time or send back to the employee. NOTE: We do not recommend sending the time sheet back to the employee because it causes a delay in the employee getting paid. Instead we recommend correcting the time off for the employee described in the next step.
    Time-Entries-Workday (2).png

Edit and Approve Time Entries

  1. Select Edit and Approve Time from the Time and Scheduling Hub main menu.
  2. Fill in the required fields:
    1. Date: Will default to today's date
    2. Review: Select "By Worker"
    3. Workers: Select the worker's name
    4. Start Day of the Week: Select Monday or appropriate day
      Edit-and-Approve-Time-Workday (1).png
  3. Click on the time block you wish to correct, which will open up the time sheet. For example, to edit the time block on Monday, select the Hours Worked 1:00pm - 5:00pm. This will open up the time sheet for editing.
    Edit-and-Approve-Time-Workday (5).png
  4. Edit the in and out times, out reason, or add comments. In the below example, we've updated the start time to 2:00pm and added a comment. Click OK.
    Enter-Time-Workday (21).png
  5. You will return to the Edit and Review time entry page. Check the box next to the worker.
  6. Click Submit to submit the time entry
  7. Click Approve to approve this time entry
  8. Edit-and-Approve-Time-Workday (10).png

Delete Time Entries

  1. Click on the time block you'd like to delete. This will open up the time sheet.
    Edit-and-Approve-Time-Workday (6).png
  2. Review the time sheet, enter a comment and click Delete. This will remove the time block for the week.
    Enter-Time-Workday (23).png
  3. Click OK to confirm deletion of this time-block.
  4. You will return to the Edit and Review time entry page. Check the box next to the worker.
  5. Click Submit to submit the time entry
  6. Click Approve to approve this time entry
    Edit-and-Approve-Time-Workday (10).png

Team Absence Calendar

To review the Team Absence Calendar, click on the menu item Team Absence Calendar.

  1. Enter your Organization(s) and/or
  2. Enter Worker(s)
  3. To review your own time off, check the box "Include Self"
  4. Review the Team Absence Calendar. To change the week, click the "Week" drop down in the top right corner.
    Team-Absence-Calendar-Workday (2).png

Return to MyDay Hourly Employees Time Guide.

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