MetaQuotes Execution Bridge
The MahiMarkets MTx Execution Bridge is a Windows service designed to send prices and execute orders for MetaTrader servers - both MT4 and MT5 using MetaQuotes server API.
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Market Data Feed
Market Data Feed is an MT4/5 server component that connects to compass over FIX protocol for market quotes. It retrieves the symbol list from MT4/5 and sends subscription messages to compass for the quotes. Compass will start streaming the quotes over FIX for valid symbols, which will be fed into the server.
Execution Bridge
Execution bridge is an MT4/5 component that acts as a plugin, which will route the orders to Compass for execution and reports back the trade to MT4/5. It picks up the MT4/5 order request from the server and confirms it. On activation, the order will be added to the cache and routed to compass for execution. After the order is executed, Compass will report back the partially or fully filled trade, which will be booked into MT4/5's position.