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Outgoing Mail

When is outgoing mail picked up?

A secure USPS outgoing mailbox has been installed in nine (9) locations across campus. The outgoing mail will be picked up at the end of the day on Mondays and Wednesdays by our Mail Services staff and processed through the U.S. Postal Service.

Outgoing Mailbox Locations

  • Arnhold Hall: 55 West 13th Street, 1st Floor Lobby
  • Welcome Center: 72 5th Avenue, 1st Floor behind the Security desk
  • University Center: 63 Fifth Avenue, 1st Floor Lobby across from the New School Store
  • Sheila Johnson Design Center: 2 West 13th Street, 1st Floor Lobby
  • Lang Bldg B: 65 West 11th Street, 1st Floor Lobby
  • Johnson Kaplan Hall: 66 West 12th Street, 1st Floor Lobby
  • Vera List Center: 6 East 16th Street, 1st Floor Lobby
  • Vera List Center: 79 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor: Vestibule across from Reception
  • 71 Fifth Avenue, 9th Floor: Lobby Corridor
NOTE: Time-sensitive mail like USPS Overnight and Express should be brought to the mailroom office to avoid delays.

If your envelope will not fit in the outgoing mailbox, it will need to be brought directly to the nearest U.S. Post Office location. Do not leave items on top of or below the mailboxes. Please follow the outgoing packages instructions for parcels and other items being sent via carriers other than USPS.

Mailing labels, stamps, and envelopes are handled on an office-by-office basis.

Contact Mail Services at or 212-229-5301 with any questions.

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