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3. Adjusting the Person in Charge

Person in charge

1 Introduction

People who need to know, modify or fill in the form content at the current node

2. Setting steps

2.1 Method 1

When adding an approval node, CC node, or fill-in node, you can select the person in charge from the four ranges of member, department, role, or dynamic.

Members: You can select one or more members as the node leader.

Department: Select all members in the corresponding department as node leaders.

Role: Choose all members of the corresponding role as node leaders.

Dynamic person in charge: The node person in charge can be selected based on uncertain information such as the process initiator, member fields, department fields, department heads, etc.

2.2 Method 2

Select the target node and click "+" under "Responsible Person" or "Cc To" to add the person in charge.


Also known as the node leader, it refers to the person who accepts data and processes it at the node.

Each node can set multiple node leaders. The selection range is:

  • Member: Designate one/more members as the node leader
  • Department: Designate a department as the node leader
  • Role: Specify a role set in the address book as the node leader
  • Dynamic person in charge: The person in charge is dynamically uncertain based on the process initiator, member field, department field, department head, etc. as the node person in charge (click to learn more:)

You can set the person in charge by directly entering the email address or selecting a member from the address book. After the applicant submits the data, the corresponding data will be added to the person in charge's to-do data list.

Setup steps

There are two ways to add node leaders.

First, when adding a node, you can directly set the person in charge:

Second, after opening the node editing pop-up window, in the "Responsible Person," click the "Add" button to set.


When selecting a person in charge via the department field, you can choose whether to include sub-departments under that department

Approval step by step


There are many approval steps and different approval endpoints. How can we set them up at once?

Level-by-level approval helps you start with the direct supervisor and proceed upward to the level-by-level approval. Only when and only after the approval of the supervisor at the current level is passed, the supervisor at the next level will receive the to-do list.

scenes to be used

Workers report

Operational approval

Approval by workshop director


How to set up

Let's take worker reporting in the equipment inspection scenario as an example. Assume that the organizational structure of a company is:

Company X

-Equipment maintenance--Li Moumou (supervisor), Xiao Li (member)

** -Inspection team--Zhou Moumou (supervisor), Xiao Zhou (member)**

** -Inspection Team A--Xiao Wang (member)**

Then enter the setting step and select level-by-level approval in the settings of the form addition process-approval node.

After entering the configuration, you can customize the start/end point of approval, deduplication, etc.

Let’s take the most senior manager of the address book as the approval endpoint and not remove duplicates as an example:

After completing the configuration, the node will display the starting point and end point of the approval, and then publish the application

The actual effects of completing the step-by-step approval are as follows:

Two approval methods

1. Dynamic upward step-by-step approval

After the applicant submits the application, it must be approved step by step by the supervisor at the X level above the applicant's location (levels are calculated from bottom to top).

  • Currently, in the proprietary Anffy (except for the third-party platform version of Anffy), upward approval can be set up to the direct supervisor, which can be used to set up approvers other than the supervisor.

2. Approval by the designated address book level supervisor

After the applicant submits the application, it must be approved step by step by the supervisor at level X in the address book (levels are calculated from top to bottom)

3. Example

Taking a more complex organizational structure as an example to perform step-by-step approval, assuming member a is the form applicant:

· In dynamic upward step-by-step approval, when set to: starting from the direct supervisor of SaaS , dynamic upward approval ends at the supervisor at the second level;

    • Then when a submits the form, two approval lines are generated, 1 is ED and 2 is AB. At this time, both A and E are direct supervisors and will receive to-dos at the same time. Assuming that there are multiple supervisors at the same level, it is set to "Required" "Everyone passes", then A and E must both pass before the data reaches D and B.

· In the designated address book level supervisor approval, when set to: starting from the direct supervisor of saas and ending with the 2nd level supervisor in the address book ;

    • Then when a submits the form, 2 approval lines are generated, 1 is EDBC and 2 is ABC. At this time, the approval effect is: EA&D-BC, E is the direct supervisor, and A&D is the second-level supervisor.

Approval deduplication

When the data reaches the node and there are duplicates among cross-level approvers , the duplicates can be removed. When there is no person in charge after deduplication, the data will automatically pass through the current node.

Example: When the approval node contains an applicant, the applicant does not participate in the approval; when the applicant is the only person in charge of the node, the data will be passed directly after deduplication.

Dynamic person in charge

1. Function introduction

During the process of process creation, we usually set the person in charge of the process node in advance so that the data can be transferred and approved in an orderly manner according to the preset process. However, we often encounter this problem: When creating a process, what should we do if the node leader cannot be determined in advance? What should I do if different data on the same node needs to be processed by different personnel? It doesn’t matter, this is when the dynamic person in charge can come in handy~

Dynamic person in charge supports:

1. Different department heads handle different applications

2. Temporarily assign and allocate tasks to relevant personnel in the process

3. Set the person in charge based on the fields filled in the form


2. Usage steps

2.1 Function entrance

The person in charge can be set in the upper left corner of the configuration interface of the approval node. Click [Dynamic] to set the dynamic person in charge.

2.2 The applicant serves as the dynamic person in charge

Designate the applicant himself as the person in charge of the approval node,

It is often used in the performance self-evaluation link of corporate performance evaluation.

2.3 Department head as dynamic person in charge

If the applicant is selected, the direct supervisor of the applicant's department will be the node person in charge;

If you select an existing department field in the form, the direct supervisor of the department will be the node person in charge.

It is often used for business processing within enterprise departments, such as intra-department leave approval, etc.

2.4 The direct supervisor serves as the dynamic person in charge

You can select the member field or the applicant’s direct supervisor as the person in charge of approval

  • When there are multiple member fields, the immediate supervisor of each member will be the person in charge of approval.

2.5 Specify the dynamic person in charge through fields

2.5.1 Email field

According to the content filled in the actual mailbox field, the mailbox will be used as the node leader, that is, when the data flows to the node, a to-do data will be sent to the mailbox filled in the selected mailbox field.


In the purchase, sale and inventory management of supermarkets, because each salesperson is responsible for the sales of different products and corresponds to different suppliers, and the supplier's person in charge is constantly changing, it is impossible to determine the node person in charge in advance. Select "Email Control" and fill in the email address of the person in charge of the node before each process flow.

2.5.2 Member fields

Based on the member selected in the Actual Member field, this member will be the node leader.


There are several employees in the financial department who can be responsible for payment, so when creating the process, it is impossible to fill in which employee is the person in charge of the payment node. Before each payment, the financial director will temporarily designate an employee to make the payment.

2.5.3 Department field

If the department field is selected, all members of the department selected in the field will become the node leaders.


When new department rules need to be issued to all employees in the department, select the department field as the node person in charge so that all members in the department can sign for it.


Before setting the applicant, department head, member field, and department field as the dynamic person in charge, you need to set up the enterprise organizational structure, that is, departments, members, and supervisors. For specific setup steps, see:

  1. If in the dynamic person in charge, you select the member/email/mobile phone number in the table, the process reminder will be sent to all the persons in charge under this subfield, that is, to the entire column in the table.

Approval type


When there are multiple persons in charge, the countersign/or signature function can meet diverse approval needs.

  • Or sign : One person in charge can pass the approval node
  • Countersign : All responsible persons need to pass the approval process to pass the approval node

How to set up

Administrators can modify the approval type at the **App-Add Process-Approval node**.

When the approval type is or sign, even if there are multiple node leaders, as long as any one of the leaders approves, the approval node will pass.

When the approval type is countersign, the approval node will pass only if all responsible persons pass the approval.

(Note: When any approver clicks Reject, the approval will be rejected)


1. The node approval type defaults to "or sign" method

2. When the approval node has only one person in charge, the approval process of countersigning/or signing will have the same effect.

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