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3. Advanced Fields

Advanced fields

Description text

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

You can insert a piece of customized information into the form to assist the filler in filling out the form. The filler cannot modify the content of the "Description text" field

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where auxiliary explanations of forms are required. For example, when making a questionnaire, you can use the description text field to explain relevant precautions to obtain more realistic questionnaire results.

1.3 Effect display

The time limit for filling in the questionnaire is explained through the "Description Text" field, which serves as a reminder to the person filling in the questionnaire.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Description Content" in the advanced field to set the "Description Content"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insert description text

Method 1

Simply click "Description text" in the advanced field to insert the field into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping, drag the "Description Text" field into the form to complete the operation.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Description text" field to set the title content

The title name will be displayed only when editing the "Description text" field. In other cases, only the field content will be displayed and the field title will not be displayed.

2.2.3 Input content

You can customize the content and style of the "Description text" field, and insert images, links, etc. Click on the added "Description text" field to enter the field content

2.2.4 Field proportion

You can adjust the proportion of fields in the interface. Click on the added "Description text" field to select the field proportion among 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%

25%: The field takes up a quarter of the row

50%: The field will occupy half of the row

75%: The field will occupy three-quarters of the row

100%: The field will occupy an entire line

Rich text

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

The content and style of fields can be customized, and content such as images and links can be inserted to facilitate fillers in filling in complex information.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where complex information needs to be uploaded. For example, during equipment maintenance, you can use rich text fields to directly upload the equipment maintenance status in the form of text and pictures to improve work efficiency.

1.3 Effect display

When uploading a weekly report, use the "Rich Text" field to set the text background color to highlight key points.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Rich Text" in the advanced field to set up "Rich Text"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insert rich text

method one

Simply click "Rich Text" in Advanced Fields to insert fields into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping the "rich text" field into the form, the operation can be completed.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Rich Text" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Hint

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Rich Text" field to set the hint content

2.2.4 Required fields

Required: Required fields. You can set whether the field is required. If checked, the form cannot be submitted if this field is not filled in. Click on the added "Rich Text" field and check "This is a required field" to complete the setting.

3. Precautions

  • When uploading images using rich text fields, it will occupy the total upload capacity of attachments in the workspace, and the uploaded images will not be compressed.
  • The content in rich text cannot exceed 20,000 words. Chinese characters, letters, punctuation marks, numbers, etc. all account for one word.


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

Other fields in the form can be grouped and managed to improve usage efficiency.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where unified management of form fields is required. For example, when making a form, you can use paragraph fields to group fields and set permissions uniformly.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, the customer/car information form is divided into two parts through the "Paragraph" field to make the form structure clearer.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Paragraph" in the advanced field to set "Paragraph"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insert paragraph

method one

Simply click "Section" in the advanced fields to insert fields into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping, drag the "Paragraph" field into the form to complete the operation.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Paragraph" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Tips

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Paragraph" field to set the prompt content

2.2.4 Add fields

You can add fields in a "paragraph". After adding, you can perform batch operations on the fields in the same "paragraph".

The "Paragraph" field cannot be added to the "Paragraph" field, and other fields can be added directly.

method one

Simply drag the target field to "Paragraph" to complete the operation

Method 2

Select the "Paragraph" field and click on the target field on the left to complete the operation

2.2.5 Delete

You can delete only the "Paragraph" field, or you can delete "Paragraph" and all fields within "Paragraph". Select the target "Paragraph" field and click the trash can icon in the upper right corner. You can choose to delete only the paragraph or delete both the paragraph and the field.

Delete only paragraph: Only the "Paragraph" field will be deleted, and the fields within "Paragraph" will be retained.

Delete paragraphs and fields: "Paragraph" and all fields within "Paragraph" will be deleted

2.2.6 Copy

Copies of "Paragraph" and the fields within "Paragraph" can be generated. Select the target "Paragraph" field and click the "Copy" button in the upper right corner to complete the operation.

3. Precautions

  • Permissions for fields within the same "paragraph" can be set uniformly
  • When copying a "paragraph", the permission settings of the original "paragraph" will not be copied.
  • When all the fields in a paragraph are hidden, the entire "paragraph" will be hidden and the "paragraph" title will not be displayed; when there are editable or only visible fields in the "paragraph", the corresponding fields and the "paragraph" title will be displayed.


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

Multiple rows of data can be displayed at the same time to facilitate batch entry and display of information.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where batch input or display of data is required. For example, you can carry out large batches of multiple goods in and out of the warehouse at a time, claim multiple customers at the same time, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, two products can be stored in the warehouse at the same time, which facilitates management and display and saves time and effort.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Form" in the advanced field to set up "Form"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insert table

method one

Simply click "Table" in the advanced fields to insert fields into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping, drag the "form" field into the form to complete the operation.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Table" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Tips

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Form" field to set the prompt content

2.2.4 Form fields

Fields within the table can be edited individually. Click on the added "Table" field, select the field that needs to be edited, and click on the pencil icon to edit the field

The functions and editing methods of the fields in the table are the same as those of ordinary fields.

2.2.5 Add fields

New fields can be added to the table. Select the added "Table" field and click "Add Field" to complete the operation

Only fields listed in "Add Field" can be added to the tabl

2.2.6 Default content

Default content: The initial value of the field. When filling in the form, the initial value will be automatically filled in the field. If the filler does not modify the fields, the form will directly submit the initial value.

Select the added "Table" field, click the drop-down triangle of "Default Content", and select "Customize" or "Associate an existing table"

Customization: You can enter a piece of data in the field in the form as the initial value of the field, and the entered content will be automatically filled in the form. When no content is entered, the initial value will not be filled in.

Associate an existing table: You can use part of the data in the uploaded table in the same workspace as the initial value of the table fields

2.2.7 Button copywriting

You can set the text content of the "Add New Line" button. Click on the added "Form" field to set the button copy

2.2.8 Repeat value check

You can verify whether the values in each row of a single table are exactly the same by verifying fields. After checking, you can select the verification field. When the values in the fields are repeated, the form cannot be submitted. Click on the added "Table" field, check "Do not allow repeat rows", select the fields that need to be verified, and the settings are completed.

2.2.9 Delete

The "Form" field can be deleted. Select the added "Table" field and click the trash can icon in the upper right corner to complete the operation

2.2.10 Copy

Copies of "table" fields can be generated. Select the added "Table" field and click the "Copy" button in the upper right corner to complete the operation

2.2.11 Add new row

When filling in the form, you can add a blank row to facilitate filling in more data. When filling out the form, click the "Add New Row" button to complete the operation

2.2.12 Copy data

You can copy data from one or more rows in a table. When filling in the form, select the table rows that need to be copied and click the "Copy" button to complete the operation.

2.2.13 Delete data

You can delete one or more rows of data in a table. When filling in the form, select the table row that needs to be deleted, click the "Delete" button, and click OK to complete the operation.

2.2.14 Enlarge table and fill in data

You can enlarge the table rows to fill in the data, making it easier to enter complex data. When filling in the form, select the table row that needs to be enlarged and click the "Expand" button to complete the operation.

2.2.15 Field desensitization

After checking "Field desensitization" for fields involving privacy or other important information, the field will be displayed as "****"

1. Field desensitization is done after the data is generated, not when filling in the form.
2. The subform supports "single line text"/"multiline text"/"number"/"phone"/"email" "/"Address"/"Link"/"Date"/"Data Association" fields for desensitized editing

3. Precautions

  • When using the "Duplicate Value Verification" function to select multiple fields for verification, as long as one of the verification fields does not have a duplicate value, the form will pass the verification and the form can be submitted.
  • At the same time, when setting the default content of the field in the table editing interface and the editing interface of the fields in the table, the field will give priority to the default content set through the table.
  • When the "Data Association" field in the table is configured with the "Aggregation Mode" function, the "Data Association" field in the table cannot set the default content through the "Customize" method in the table editing interface.
  • Table row numbers cannot participate in formulas, filters or exports
  • Up to 200 rows of data can be added to table fields, and there is no limit to the proprietary light flow.

4. Frequently Asked Questions

4.1 How to print out a table with table row numbers?

When customizing the Word printing template, you can insert a table, select the first column of the table, and insert the number to print the row number of the table.

Associated with existing table

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

You can directly call the same workspace to apply the data in the uploaded table and display it in the fields of the current table. When the application has multiple pieces of table data, only the latest uploaded table data will be displayed. Able to implement cross-application calls of table data

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where the latest uploaded table data needs to be called. For example, when the price of a product changes frequently, you can use the function of linking an existing form to directly display the latest selling price of the product to facilitate filling in the sales form.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, you can use the associated table to display the teacher and start time of the course, making it easier for students to choose courses.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Select a "Form" field, click the drop-down triangle under "Default Content", and select "Associate Existing Form" to set up "Associate Existing Form"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Select related applications

Associated application: After selecting the associated application, the table data of the associated application can be called in the current table. Click the drop-down triangle next to "Select related application" to select the related application

2.2.2 Select related tables

Related table: The table to be related can be selected from the tables of related applications. Click the drop-down triangle next to "Select associated table" to select the associated table

Field types that support configuring "Associate existing data" are supported. The field types that can be associated with different field types are shown in the table below.

Supports fields using "Relate existing data"

Related field types

single line of text

Single line text, link, multi-line text, date, email, phone, number, link, single selection, multiple selection, drop-down selection, address, member, attachment upload, positioning, data association, department

multiline text

Single line text, link, multi-line text, date, email, phone, number, link, single selection, multiple selection, drop-down selection, address, member, attachment upload, positioning, data association, department


Single line of text, multi-line text, drop-down selection, single selection, number, phone number, multiple selection, data association


Multi-line text, single-line text, link, multiple selection, data association, attachment upload


Date, single line text, data association


Multiline text, single line text, numbers, phone, multiple selection, drop-down selection, single selection, data association


Single line text, multi-line text, drop-down selection, multiple selection, data association, single selection, email

Single choice

Single line of text, multi-line text, drop-down selection, single selection, date, number, link, phone number, email, multiple selection, address, data association, attachment upload, member, department

drop down selection

Single line of text, multi-line text, drop-down selection, single selection, date, number, link, phone number, email, multiple selection, address, data association, attachment upload, member, department

multiple choice

Single line of text, multi-line text, drop-down selection, single selection, date, number, link, phone number, email, multiple selection, address, data association, attachment upload, member, department

Updating files

Updating files



Data association

Data association, single line of text, multi-line text, number, link, date, phone number, email, single selection, drop-down selection, multiple selection, attachment upload, address, positioning, member, department







Fields in the table

Consistent with the rules for fields of the same type outside the table

2.2.3 Set filter conditions

Related data can be filtered to easily obtain target data. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

2.2.4 Set subfield association

Subfield: A field in a table. You can fill in the values of fields in the associated table in the fields of the current table according to custom association rules. Click "Set Association Rules" to perform the setting operation

3. Precautions

  • At the same time, when the existing data is related to the field editing interface of "Table" and the editing interface of "Field in Table", the "Field in Table" will give priority to displaying the related data set through the table.
  • The "Associate existing table" function can only associate data in the table


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

The location information of the person filling in the location can be automatically obtained without additional filling operations, making it convenient to fill in and display the location information.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where location information needs to be obtained. For example, when making a clock-in system, you can use the "Location" field to obtain location information to verify whether the clock-in conditions are met.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, the check-in location is automatically obtained through the "Location" field, eliminating the need for manual input, which can improve efficiency.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Positioning" in the advanced field to set "Positioning"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insertion positioning

method one

Simply click "Positioning" in the advanced fields to insert fields into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping the "positioning" field into the form, the operation can be completed.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Positioning" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Tips

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Positioning" field to set the prompt content

2.2.4 Required fields

Required: Required fields. You can set whether the field is required. If checked, the form cannot be submitted if this field is not filled in. Click on the added "Targeting" field and check "This is a required field" to complete the setting.

2.2.5 Manual modification

The filler can be allowed to modify the location information obtained by the "Location" field to facilitate correction of the location information. Click on the added "Positioning" field and check "Allow manual modification". When filling in the field, the filler can modify the location information in the "Positioning" field by clicking on the map location.

3. Precautions

· Location service providers vary depending on platform.

· The "Positioning" field currently only supports domestic positioning and does not support overseas positioning.

· The "Positioning" field can only be used on mobile devices that have authorized positioning permissions.

4. Frequently Asked Questions

4.1 How to solve the problem of failure to obtain positioning?

method one:

After turning on the positioning permission of the software, try to obtain the positioning again.

  • iPhone users: Please turn on the permissions for the corresponding software under "Settings-Privacy-Location Services" on your phone.
  • Android users: Please find "Permission Management" in the settings center of your phone and enable the usage permissions for the corresponding software.

Method Two :

When the software positioning permission is turned on but still fails to obtain positioning, you can copy the URL link, open the corresponding form in other application software that can open the link, and perform the positioning operation again.

Method three:

When positioning fails when opening a form using a mini program, you can use other application software to enter the Anffy system, open the corresponding form, and perform the positioning operation again. When using other application software to perform positioning operations again, you need to enable the positioning permission of the software.

Data association

1 Function introduction

an advanced field in the Anffy system. Historical data of a field in any application in the workspace can be loaded through drop-down selection, making it easy to directly call historical data.

Note: When configuring the data association field, the sub-administrator must have the data permissions of the target application in order to associate it.

For example, when filling in "Order Information", the system automatically obtains all "Product Numbers" entered in "Product Information".

2 Configuration method

2.1 Generate drop-down options

I want to call the product number entered in the "Product Information" in the application "Order Information" and present it as a drop-down option.

Select the [Data Association] field in the field menu bar on the left side of the form editing page, in the field configuration panel on the right, modify the [Title] to "Product Number", and perform the [Association Settings]: REMOVED associated application is "Product Information", The associated field is "item number".

2.2 Filter drop-down options

Based on 2.1, I want to filter the values called in the associated application. For example: Product number QF0001 is an out-of-print product and cannot be purchased. When generating options, this value needs to be filtered out.

Select [Filter Data] to set filter conditions through simple mode or advanced mode (formula function). The effect of using "Item number does not include QF0001" and "Item number!="QF0001"" here is the same.

Note: In advanced mode, you can use formula functions to set more complex filtering conditions; simple mode and advanced mode cannot be used at the same time.

2.3 Sort drop-down options

On the basis of 2.1, we want to sort all the values called in the associated application according to the target application fields, for example: according to the size of the product number, from small to large.

Check [Sort Settings] and select ascending or descending order based on the fields in the associated application. Optional fields include system default fields (data ID, number, applicant, application time) and custom-created fields (product name, product unit price, unit price, quantity). The implementation options are based on the time of entry into the system, price size, and Sorting according to different rules such as quantity.

2.4 Aggregate calculation of options

Based on 2.1, you want to perform calculations and return a single value for all values called in the associated application, such as: sum, average, maximum value, minimum value, latest value, oldest value, count. For example, you want to count the number of the latest product numbers and know how many product types there are in the warehouse (assuming that one product number corresponds to one product type).

Check [Aggregation method] and select Count to return the quantity of all "Car license numbers" in the "Car Information" application. Select the latest value or the oldest value to return the product number that was last entered into the system or the earliest product number that was entered into the system.

Note: Only the numbers entered in the numeric field can participate in the calculation of sum, average, maximum and minimum values in the aggregation method.

2.5 Add new button in real time

Based on 2.1, I want to add drop-down options in real time. For example: the warehouse has stored a new product with the number QF0010 - a lifting table, but it has not yet been entered into the system. As a result, this product cannot be selected in the current form. How to solve the problem?

Check [Custom Button], select the button "Add Product" that has been created in the current application (only one button can be selected for a data association field), and jump to the "Product Information" application to enter new product information.

Note: Custom buttons are extension settings of the application and need to be created after installation in the plug-in center. After clicking, you can add data to the target application or jump to the specified web link. Currently, the [Data Association] field of the form and the [Data Table] of the report support the use of custom buttons.

2.6 Field desensitization

After checking "Field desensitization" for fields involving privacy or other important information, the field will be displayed as "****"

Note: Field desensitization is done after the data is generated, not when filling out the form.

3 things to note

1. Except for start and end time, image selection, description text, rich text, paragraph, data association, reference, Q-Linker, and code block, the fields that can be viewed in the diagram are all data types that can be called by the "data association" field.

2. When configuring the data association field, the sub-administrator must have the data permissions of the target application in order to associate it.

3. In the advanced mode of data filtering, you can use formula functions to set more complex filtering conditions, but the simple mode and advanced mode cannot be used at the same time.

4. Only the numbers entered in the numeric field can participate in the calculation of sum, average, maximum, and minimum values in the aggregation method.

6. If a data-related field is associated with a desensitized field, the data-related field will not be desensitized by default. Unless desensitization is reconfigured. The masked field does not support search when it is fully masked. However, it can be used as a filtering field or participate in calculation. The value after participating in the calculation will not be desensitized. When printing, print according to the desensitized style.

The new version of correlation engine

1 Introduction

In order to bring a better product experience to the majority of users, Anffy launched a new version of the correlation engine (data correlation and correlation of existing data) at 0:00 on August 11, 2023.

2. Advantages of the new version of the correlation engine

Compared with the existing correlation engine, the new engine has the following advantages -

1. Performance improvement

  • Data association fields, use fields configured to associate existing data, and the loading speed is improved.
  • Effectively reduce the phenomenon of loading lag when using forms with many fields in these two types.

2. Function enhancement

  • The aggregation method of data-related fields, new: aggregation types of unfilled count and total count. See 3.1 below for details
  • Relate existing data and add sorting setting configuration items. After it is turned on, the value associated with existing data is: the first piece of data after sorting. See 3.2 below for details.

3. Improved logical consistency

  • Unified the processing logic of data association and association of existing data with null values. See 4.3 below for details

3. New features of the new version of the correlation engine

3.1 Configure "Relate Existing Data" under the field "Default Content" and add a new "Sort" configuration item

3.2 "Data Association" field, new types of "Unfilled Count" and "Total Count" are added to the aggregation relationship

4. Logical adjustments to the new version of the correlation engine

At the same time, in order to unify functional performance and improve performance, some logic has been unified and changed in the new version of the correlation engine. The details are as follows -

4.1 Adjust the data return logic of "Associate existing data" under the field "Default content"

4.2 "Data Association" field, "Aggregation Method" is the latest data/oldest data return logic adjustment

4.3 "Data association" aggregation method, logical adjustment of null value processing

"Data association" aggregation method, logical adjustment to null value processing, the adjusted calculation principle is as follows -

1. If the associated application has no data

  • Sum, average, latest, oldest, largest, smallest: considered empty
  • Filled count, unfilled count, total count: treated as 0

2. If the associated application has data, but the associated field values are all empty.

  • Sum, average, filled count, unfilled count, total count: empty fields are regarded as 0 and participate in calculation/counting
  • Latest, oldest, largest, smallest: considered empty

The comparison details before and after the change are as follows, where the differences are marked in red:

5. How to turn on/off the new version of the correlation engine

5.1 Start a new version of engine

System administrators can use "Enable new correlation engine" on the [Form Design] page to globally enable the new correlation engine for the entire workspace, as shown below.


1. Turning it on here takes effect globally for the entire workspace!

2. This function is only applicable to workspaces stored in a "wide table" structure. If your workspace does not display the enable button, you can contact your customer success manager to upgrade the workspace to a "wide table" structure.

5.2 Return to the old version of the engine

If you want to switch back to the old version of data correlation/correlate the existing data engine, you can also click the "Return to the old version of the correlation engine" button in the image below to switch back to the old version of the correlation engine for the entire workspace.

Data association supports table subfields


Data correlation can be linked to table subfields and can be linked to a specific row in the table of the target application through filtering

Application scenarios

Task dispatch

  • Procurement inbound/outbound
  • Customer management
  • Purchase, sale and inventory

Setup steps

selecting " Data Association " in Form Design - Advanced Fields , in the association settings, after selecting the target application, you can select the table subfield of the target application in the associated field.

If you need to associate data with a specified row, you can continue to set filter conditions to filter the row data in the table. The following are data associations inside and outside the table. The field types that can be selected for filter conditions are as follows:

filter relationships

Data association

Table·Data Association

target form·form field = current form·form field

✅Support selection

✅Support selection

target form · form field = current form · table subfield


✅Support selection

target form · form subfield = current form · form field

✅Support selection

✅Support selection

target form · table subfield = current form · table subfield


✅Support selection

And when it is associated with a table subfield, in the target form field of the filter condition , only the form field or the table subfield in the same table as the target table subfield can be selected, and the subfields of other tables cannot be selected.


  • When correlating table subfields, the aggregation mode-latest/oldest setting will be invalid;
  • The sorting setting only takes effect on the filtered data, and does not take effect on the sorting of table row contents, and no special processing is done.
  • If the field is set to submit for recalculation, the first value will prevail.


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

Data from other applications can be retrieved and displayed in the current application in the form of cards. Field values retrieved through reference fields will be updated in real time as the original data changes.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where data needs to be displayed or modified across applications. For example, when filling in a logistics transport document, you can use the reference field to display detailed information about the corresponding goods.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, the reference field is used to display the detailed information of the corresponding customer to facilitate customer management.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Quote" in the advanced field to set up "Quote"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Inserting references

method one

Simply click "Quote" in the advanced field to insert the field into the form

Method 2

By dragging and dropping, drag the "Quote" field into the form to complete the operation.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Quote" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Tips

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Reference" field to set the prompt content

2.2.4 Data sources

Data source : Which application data needs to be quoted? You can use that application as the data source. Data sources can only be selected within apps in the same workspace. Click on the added "Reference" field to set the data source

2.2.5 Optional data amount

Optional data amount: The amount of data that can be referenced by the "Reference" field. You can choose to reference a single piece of data or multiple pieces of data. Click the added "Reference" field and select the data source to set the optional data amount.

Single: Only one piece of data can be referenced

Multiple: multiple pieces of data can be referenced

2.2.6 Display fields

Display fields: You can set the field content displayed in the "Quote" field card. Up to four fields can be selected for display. Click on the added "Reference" field and select the data source to set the display field.

2.2.7 Field permissions

Field permissions: You can set whether the fields in the reference data are visible. Field permissions can be set to visible only or hidden. Click on the added "Reference" field, select the data source, and click "Set Visible Fields" to set field permissions

Visible only: Fillers can only view the referenced fields

Hidden: The person filling in the field cannot view the referenced field

2.2.8 Button text

"Select quoted data" button : Click to select the data to be quoted. You can set the text content of the "Select reference data" button. Click on the added "Quote" field to set the button copy

2.2.9 Set data range

All data in the data source application can be filtered to facilitate the reference of target data. Select the added "Reference" field, click "Set Filter Conditions", and after selecting the data source, you can set the filter data

2.2.10 Set field filling

You can fill in the values of fields in the reference data in the currently applied fields according to custom filling rules. Click on the added "Reference" field, select the data source, and click "Set Filling Rules" to set the field filling settings.

2.2.11 Field proportion

You can adjust the proportion of fields in the interface. Click on the added "Reference" field to select the field proportion among 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%

25%: The field takes up a quarter of the row

50%: The field will occupy half of the row

75%: The field will occupy three-quarters of the row

100%: The field will occupy an entire line

2.2.12 Required fields

Required: Required fields. You can set whether the field is required. If checked, the form cannot be submitted if this field is not filled in. Click on the added "Reference" field and check "This is a required field" to complete the setting.

2.2.13 Allow new data

You can set whether the filler is allowed to add new data to the data source application in the "Reference" field interface, and you can also set the button copy. After checking "Allow new data", the filler can fill in the form of the corresponding application and submit the filled in data. Click on the added "Reference" field and check "Allow new data" to complete the setting.

2.2.14 Allow viewing process logs

You can set whether the filler is allowed to view the process log of the data source application to facilitate information sharing during cross-department collaboration. Click on the added "Reference" field and check "Allow viewing of process logs" to complete the setting.

3. Precautions

  • Cards that reference fields cannot display Paragraph, Q-Linker, Description Text, Text Recognition, Table, and Code Block fields
  • Data filled in fields using the "Field Fill" function will not be updated in real time
  • The reference fields in the table can only fill the fields in the table


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

authorize members in the workspace in batches and configure the members' data permissions in the application dimension. Improve the efficiency of permission management, and make permission configuration efficient and flexible.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where batch configuration or member permission changes are required.

For example, when the system is about to be put into use, the permissions in the workspace can be configured in batches for employees; or when the organizational structure of the enterprise changes, the permissions can be updated uniformly in the management background.

1.3 Effect demonstration

As shown in the figure below, in "Permission Management" - "Members", authorize the "IT Department" with the permissions of the "Customer info" application package, and set the permissions that this department can only see Data initiated by this department.

2 Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Click the "More" button on the homepage to enter the "Management Backstage" interface. Click "Members" under "Permission Management" to view historical authorization records in the Management Backstage. Click "Add Authorization" to enter the page for authorizing members.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Select the role of the operation

In a workspace, the same account can be in multiple sub-administrator groups, or be both a system administrator and a sub-administrator. At this time, people with multiple management roles come to the page to authorize members, and first need to select the administrator role for the operation.

Because of different roles, the scope of authorized resources is different:

  • The system administrator or super administrator can authorize all resources in the workspace;
  • Sub-administrators can only authorize the resource scope that they have the authority to manage.


  • Role switching only takes effect on the current page and will not affect the use of other functions.
  • If an account only exists in one sub-administrator group, then there is no need to select an operating role. By default, there is only one management role.

2.2.2 Authorize members Authorization name and scope of authorization

Click "Add Authorization" to enter the page for authorizing members.

You need to fill in the name of this authorization to facilitate permission query.

You need to select the scope of authorization. You can select multiple members, departments, and roles. Authorization items

Authorization items need to be selected:

1. Authorization items are arranged in a tree structure in the list. The first level is the application package, and the second level is the portal or application

2. In the authorization item list, you can configure the visible permissions of the application package, application, portal, and data permissions of the application

If a sub-administrator does not have editing permissions for the application package, but has editing permissions for the applications under the application package, the application package will still be displayed, but "-" will be displayed under "Visible Permissions". If the sub-admin does not have editing permissions for the application, but If the application has data permissions, the application will still be displayed, but "-" will be displayed under "Visible Permissions". Except for the above two cases, resources without editing permissions will not be displayed.

3. The data permissions of the application are effective for all views and reports in the application. For example, to authorize the data permissions of the "Pre-investment Information Collection & Evaluation" application for the "Sales Department", configure the conditions-- data scope: data initiated by the current user's department. , Field permissions: Visible only.

Then when members of the sales department enter the custom view or report in the "Pre-investment Information Collection & Evaluation" application, they can only view the data of their own department, and it can only be read.

4. Reports and views belong to the application and visibility permissions can be configured



All data

Can view all data for the app

Data initiated by the current user

You can only view data you initiated in the app

Data initiated by the current user’s department

You can view data initiated by all members of your department

Custom data range

Customize the viewable data range

When serving as "direct supervisor", data initiated by subordinates

This option is only available for private clouds. You can view data initiated by subordinates, including your own

Data Permissions—Data Scope Description Release authorization

Click the "Confirm" button on the upper right side of the authorization page to issue the authorization. Permissions take effect immediately.

If you click "Return to Authorization List" in the upper left corner, a secondary confirmation pop-up window will appear. If you confirm to exit, the authorized configuration will not be retained .

2.2.3 View historical authorization

In the authorization list, you can view historical authorizations. Click the view icon to enter the sub-page to view the details of the authorization.

If you need to modify the authorization, click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner to enter the edit mode for modification. After modification, you need to click "Confirm" in the upper right corner again for the modified authorization to take effect.

2.2.4 Delete historical authorization

In the authorization list, click the delete icon to delete historical authorizations. After deleting historical authorization, the permission relationship matched by the authorization will become invalid.

2.2.5 View/report permission configuration

Authorization can be configured in batches in the management background, and data permissions can be configured using dimensions.
When creating a view or report, if you do not want the view/report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom Permissions" when editing the view/report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current view/report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing views/reports. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

2.2.6 Decryption of masked fields

Click [Management Backstage] - [Permission Management] - [Members] - [Data Permissions] - [Field Permissions] to decrypt the fields configured with desensitization.

3 things to note

  • The same member/department/role can be authorized multiple times in the management background, and the final effective permissions are the union.
    For example, the "sales department" is assigned the visibility permission of application A in one authorization, and is assigned the visibility permission of application B in another authorization. The final effect is that application A and application B are visible to the sales department
  • field permissions are not configured in the frontend , the field permissions configured in the backend take effect.
    When a member is authorized multiple times in the background and different field permissions are configured, the union is obtained. "Editable" is compatible with "visible" and "hidden", and "visible" is compatible with "hidden";
    when field permissions are configured in the frontend, the configuration in the backend will be overwritten. However, the effective scope is limited to this view/report, and it takes effect within the entire visible range of this view/report.
  • the data range is not configured in the foreground , the data range configured in the background takes effect.
    When a member is authorized multiple times in the backend and different data ranges are configured, the union is taken;
    when the data range is configured in the frontend, the backend configuration will be overwritten. However, the effective scope is limited to this view/report and takes effect within the full visible range of this view/report.
  • The authorization items of a sub-administrator are limited to the resource management scope of the sub-administrator group. Resources with editing permissions can be granted "visible permissions"; applications with data management permissions can be granted "data permissions"
  • If the sub-administrator group is deleted, the historical authorizations configured by the sub-administrators of the group for members will not become invalid . System administrators or super administrators can manage it in "All Authorizations"


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

You can obtain the departments in the address book to facilitate information processing on a department-by-department basis.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where department information in the workspace needs to be processed. For example, when filling out a leave information form, you can use the department field to directly display the department to which the person filling in the form belongs.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, use the department field to directly fill in department information, which improves usage efficiency.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Department" in the advanced field to set up "Department"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insert department

method one

Simply click "Department" in the advanced fields to insert fields into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping, drag the "Department" field into the form to complete the operation.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Department" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Tips

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Department" field to set the prompt content

2.2.4 Optional range

Optional range : The range of departments that can be selected. After setting the "optional range", the filler can only select departments within the "optional range". Select the added "Department" field and click the drop-down triangle of "Optional Range" to select "All Departments in Workspace", "Customized" or "Associate with Existing Departments"

All departments in the workspace: When filling out the form, the filler can choose among all departments in the workspace

Customization: You can select one or more departments as the optional range of the field based on the two range types of department or dynamic. Click "+" to add target departments, and select "All" to check all departments. When no department is added, the filler cannot select a department through the "Department" field.

  • Department: You can directly select the target department to add to the optional range
  • Dynamic: The department of the user currently filling in or modifying data can be automatically added to the "optional range" of the field.

Associate existing departments : You can use the data of the uploaded department fields in the same workspace as the range of optional departments

2.2.5 Default content

Default content : The initial value of the field. When filling in the form, the initial value will be automatically filled in the field. If the filler does not modify the fields, the form will directly submit the initial value.

Select the added "Department" field, click the drop-down triangle of "Default Content", and select "Customize" or "Relate Existing Data"

  • Customization : You can select one or more departments as the initial value of the field based on the two range types of department or dynamic, and the departments will be automatically filled in the field. When no department is selected, the initial value will not be filled in

  • Associate existing data : You can use the uploaded department data in the same workspace as the initial value of the "Department" field

2.2.6 Field proportion

You can adjust the proportion of fields in the interface. Click on the added "Department" field to select the field proportion among 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%

  • 25%: The field takes up a quarter of the row
  • 50%: The field will occupy half of the row
  • 75%: The field will occupy three-quarters of the row
  • 100%: The field will occupy an entire line

2.2.7 Required fields

Required : Required fields. You can set whether the field is required. If checked, the form cannot be submitted if this field is not filled in. Click on the added "Department" field and check "This is a required field" to complete the setting.

2.2.8 Limit options

You can limit the number of departments that the filler can select. If the number of departments selected by the filler is not within the set range, the form cannot be submitted. Click on the added "Department" field, check "Restriction Options", enter a number, and you can complete the setting. For example: when setting the "Restriction Options" to 2-4, only the number of selected departments is 2, 3 or 4. , to submit the form

3. Precautions

  • When using the "Default Content" function, only departments within the "Selectable Range" can fill in the fields.
  • When performing batch operations on department fields, the number of departments filled in the fields is not limited by the "Restrict Options" function.
  • When using "Relate Existing Data", the number of associated departments needs to be within the range of "Restriction Options"

Text recognition

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

The text content in the image can be extracted and filled in the corresponding fields of the application to facilitate the extraction and entry of text in the image.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where image information needs to be converted into text information. For example, you can use the text recognition field to extract the name and other information on the ID card and fill it in the application fields.

1.3 Effect display

Using text recognition fields to extract information from the ticket and filling it in the application fields can improve filling efficiency.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Enter the application editing interface, click Form Design, and select "Text Recognition" in the advanced field to set up "Text Recognition"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Insert text recognition

Method one

Simply click "Text Recognition" in the advanced fields to insert fields into the form.

Method 2

By dragging and dropping, drag the "Text Recognition" field into the form to complete the operation.

2.2.2 Title

Can be used to distinguish different fields to facilitate filling in information. Click on the added "Text Recognition" field to set the title content

2.2.3 Tips

Can be used to guide fillers to fill in the content. Click on the added "Text Recognition" field to set the prompt content

2.2.4 Identifying templates

Recognition template : When extracting text information, the system recognizes the fixed format of the image. The corresponding recognition template can be selected according to the text information that needs to be recognized in the image, and more accurate text information can be obtained. Click on the added "Text Recognition" field to select a recognition template. The optional recognition templates are as follows

  • Universal text: All text in the image can be recognized and filled in the application fields
  • ID card: You can extract the address, civil identity number, date of birth, name, gender and ethnicity information from the ID card and fill them in the application fields respectively.
  • Bank card: You can extract the bank card number and bank name information from the bank card and fill them in the application fields respectively.
  • VAT invoice: You can extract information such as category name, invoice code, invoice number, invoice date, total amount, total tax amount, total tax price (lowercase), total tax price (uppercase), and buyer name from the VAT invoice and analyze them separately. Fill in the fields in the application
  • Train tickets: You can extract the ticket number, departure station, train number, arrival station and other information from the train ticket and fill them in the fields of the application respectively.
  • Driver's license: You can identify the license number, validity period, permitted driving type, validity start date and other information in the driver's license and fill in the application fields respectively.
  • Driving license: The brand signal, date of issuance, nature of use, engine number, license plate number and other information in the driving license can be identified and filled in the application fields respectively.
  • Business license: You can identify the unit name, legal person, address, validity period and other information in the business license and fill in the application fields respectively.

2.2.5 Set matching rules

You can fill in the recognized content in the currently applied fields according to customized matching rules. Click on the added "Text Recognition" field, select the recognition template, and click "Set Matching Rules" to set the matching rules.

2.2.6 Field proportion

You can adjust the proportion of fields in the interface. Click on the added "Text Recognition" field to select the field proportion among 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%

· 25%: The field takes up a quarter of the row

· 50% : the field will occupy half of the row

· 75%: The field will occupy three-quarters of the row

· 100%: The field will occupy an entire line

3. Precautions

  • The "Text Recognition" function can only recognize images no larger than 4M and smaller than 4096*4096px.
  • The "Text Recognition" function can only recognize PDF files with one page.
  • Using the "Text Recognition" function will consume the text recognition quota. Each time it is recognized, the quota will be reduced by one line.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.