Adjustments and Charges Entry In AR (Legacy)
Note: Once you’ve cleared the individual work file. Continue with the adjustments and charges.
Step 1: Click Accounts Receivable
Step 2: Click Adjustments and Charges
Step3: Click Adjustments and Charges Entry
Enter the account number or if you don’t have it you may click on the magnifying glass or press F4 to select an account.
Once the account number is entered you can click on the buttons at the top of the screen to view the Transaction History, Account at a Glance or NSF Check screen.
- Transaction amount: For adjustments and charges, a negative transaction amount will reduce an accounts balance. A positive transaction amount will increase an accounts balance. For payments, a negative transaction amount will increase an accounts balance. A positive transaction amount will decrease an accounts balance. For deposits taken (transaction code DT) a positive amount is what you normally key to set up a deposit. If you enter a negative amount, a negative deposit record will be created. When keying a negative transaction amount, use the dash for a minus sign (not field minus), and always put the dash before the amount. You must include the decimal in the transaction amount.
- Transaction code: A = Adjustment, C = Charge and DT = Deposit Taken
- AR invoice reference no (number): Enter the proper invoice number for adjustments and charges. Certain transactions do not need an invoice number (deposits, NSF checks, etc.)
- Service code: Enter the appropriate service code.
- Comment: Enter a comment if desired.
- Deposit receipt number: Enter the receipt number if you are entering a deposit. This is used if you are using the “DT” for the transaction code
- Transaction date: Change the transaction date if necessary. If the deposit was originally entered into Cash Receipts, set the transaction date to the cashier date the deposit was keyed into. It is very important to key the correct deposit date. It affects balancing with the general ledger.
When you have entered all the necessary information, click “OK” to process the adjustment.
Reversing a Transaction
You can reverse a transaction (i.e., an adjustment was made to the wrong account). To do this, leave the amount blank and key “RV” for the Transaction code.
When you press the tab key, the “Transaction to use” line at the bottom of the screen will appear.
- Click the “Magnifying glass” next to the “Non-A/R amount field to display the transaction history for the account.
- Click the “S” next to the transaction you want to reverse. This will select the transaction and return you to the account transaction screen.
Verify the transaction displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- Click “OK” to reverse the selected transaction.
Version 1