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Active Project Feedback

Use this template to document your engineering team's process for soliciting feedback throughout the active product development process.

Instructions for Active Project Feedback

When making changes that impact [product name]'s UI and UX, feedback is required from engineering teammates and our peers in [design, product, product marketing, etc.]. After creating a pull request for engineering review, please complete the following steps to gather feedback from necessary stakeholders:

  1. Create a screenshot or short video walking through the changes that reviewers should be looking for

  2. Copy the branch app link, which will build on the pull request shortly after opening it

  3. Paste both the branch app and any assets (video/screenshots) into the Slack channel [#teamname-ui-qa]

  4. Tag the appropriate stakeholders from [design, product, product marketing, etc.] for visibility

  5. Stakeholders should either thread feedback on the Slack post or react with a checkmark ✅if they have no further feedback

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.