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General Advisory on Full-Time Employment

Policy Number: 03.0001


This Advisory concerns the university’s basic standard for faculty and administrators who have full-time positions at the university.


This policy applies to all full-time administrative staff and faculty of The New School.


Human Resources: Authorization of additional instructional positions.

Supervisors, Unit Heads, and Chiefs/Deans: Approval of instructional duties for administrators and ensuring administrative work continues during the appointment.


Both faculty and administrators who are invited to join the collegial enterprise of the University on a full-time basis are expected to make a professional commitment to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of the university’s mission and purposes. Administrators work on a twelve-month schedule, and it is expected that they will be fully and actively engaged in their position responsibilities for the University throughout the calendar year, including during the summer months (i.e., during all terms of the academic calendar: fall, spring, and summer terms). Full-time employees are not permitted to hold any other position of employment with the University, except as provided below, without express permission from the Vice President of Human Resources.

From time to time, administrators who have relevant academic training or experience may be invited to teach a course as part-time faculty in one of the university’s academic programs. This opportunity is one of the special privileges of working at a university. Administrators who wish to teach may do so only after consulting with and obtaining the approval of their supervisor(s). Once they have received the appropriate approval(s), those successfully appointed must continue to fulfill all the responsibilities of their administrative positions.

Effective January 1, 2020, full-time Administrators appointed to teach will be included in the ACT-UAW, Local 7902, Part-time Faculty Unit in their capacity as teachers and will be subject to the terms of and compensated at the appropriate rates outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, excluding those assigned to teach in the Jazz and Contemporary Music Program. All such administrators will be designated as probationary faculty, with a permanent zero semester count for all purposes with respect to the CBA and for the duration of any and all such teaching assignments.


Full-time administrators who receive an invitation to provide instructional services must obtain approval in advance from their Supervisor and Department/Unit Head, with final approval by the Chief/Dean. Please complete the Administrator/Instructional Services Approval Form and submit a signed copy to Human Resources at

Policy Administration

Responsible University Official: VP of Human Resources

Responsible Office: Human Resources

Contact Information:

Policy History

Effective Date: July 23, 2024

Last Reviewed Date: July 23, 2024

Next Review Date: July 23, 2029

Revision History: N/A

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