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Why do more asset classes cost more?

FX & Metals are standard and included in basic Compass

The reasons we charge separately by asset class is that the engineering, research, analysis and operations are different between the asset classes. Techniques that work in one class do not carry across to others.

FX is decentralised. There is no centralised exchange for all FX spot liquidity. A large portion of the FX market remains transacted in an opaque manner.

We've split out Indices & Energy as a separate fee. We can do both cash and futures pricing & risk management, but we do require market data feeds for both.

Indices are backed by a centralised exchange, but complications arise around out of hours and cash/future exchange opening times. Through our feed normalisation process. We are able to construct a rate more predictive & more available than any individual LPs feed. A lot of brokers publish their skews quite nakedly thinking that their different fair value basis masks what they are doing. A big problem with Indices is often brokers use a single LP source which is not only a single point of failure, it can leave your pricing vulnerable.

Crypto is also a separate fee

There's just so many crypto exchanges. We've got direct connectivity to tens of exchanges. They all provide information as to where the price is going to go, but have a baffling fee/rebate structure that price routinely diverges across exchanges. The techniques and research also requires specialisation, investment and resource allocation

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