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Payroll Reporting: Sharing and protecting reports



Learn how to share payroll reports with colleagues, including colleagues or contacts that don't have log-ins for AllPay. Additionally, learn how to protect reports.

What's in this article?

Instructions how to to share reports from AllPay, as well as information about how to safeguard reports.

💡 Good to know: Reporting is a key part of keeping tabs on your business and making sure things are going well. You can learn about building reports, report groups, and scheduled reports in separate articles.

While we're going to be looking at reporting through a payroll lens in this article, many of the principles about reporting are relevant no matter what you need to report on. If there's a data field in AllPay, then you can report on it!

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

Sharing payroll reports

Once your payroll reports are pulled together, you'll probably want to share them. We have some handy options inside AllPay to share reports with colleagues–even if they don’t have a log-in themselves.

Once you run a report or export, then the pop-up window with your Recent Jobs summary will show an option for Email.


Click on the email link, and you’ll see a few options. At the top are email distribution lists you can send the report to, and at the bottom is an option to send to a specific user–just choose a name from the drop-down.

AllianceHCM tip: You can have as many email distribution lists as you want in AllPay. We want to ensure you can get your reports into the hands of the people who need them! Click on Add New Email Distribution to create a new list, and we'll talk further down about these lists.


Once you choose a recipient, you have a change to edit the fields for Reply To, Subject, and Message.


And once you click OK, then that email send will also show in your Recent Jobs view.


If you clicked on Add New Email Distribution, then you'll be taken to the Email Distribution tab within the Application Configuration menu, which is a part of the Configuration section of AllPay. This is where you can name the distribution list, add email addresses—even for people who don't have access to AllPay—and then save your list.


We think of protecting reports as the other side of the coin to sharing reports. Rest assured that you can't break anything in the Reports, Exports, or Report Writer sections—you're simply querying data that's elsewhere in AllPay without actually modifying it. However, it is possible to accidentally delete a report or modify a report, or to not protect a report that should not be accessible to everyone.

Use the Properties menu on a report to access Visibility settings, including restricting access and editing.

AllianceHCM tip: We recommend protecting your most commonly used and most valuable reports. Accidents do happen, but you can use these settings to protect against your reports inadvertently being made unusable.


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