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Extending Building Hours

The Buildings Department’s sustainability initiatives focus on the efficient design and operation of spaces on campus to reduce energy consumption and the resulting carbon emissions. As such, there are certain hours and days when buildings are closed.

Requests for events that do not fall within university-scheduled building hours must be submitted two weeks in advance, require special permission, and will have associated fees.

Note that there is a minimum of 1 hour request for all building extensions (4 hour minimum dependent on Security staffing). When a building is completely closed, the minimum is 8 hours.

Costs for Extensions

Costs to extend building hours vary by building Please contact Monika Jackowski for an estimate.

Additional Staffing fees

Aside from fees related to building hour extensions, Facilities may also require that you request additional Facilities staff. This may be necessary when your event requires extensive set-ups. Please contact Facilities for a quote and have a worktag available.

Request an Extension

  1. Create a room request in 25Live.
  2. Permission to extend building hours should be submitted through NetFacilities at least 2 weeks in advance. Requests will be reviewed, and a notification of approval/disapproval will be sent.
  3. Questions regarding extended building hours should be sent to Monika Jackowski (Facilities) and Mike Biondo (Campus Safety).
  4. If you require an additional Campus Safety member or a Facilities staff member to cover your event, send an email to either Facilities or Campus Safety no later than two weeks in advance of your event. Please provide your worktag as additional charges will be billed.

Cancellations less than two weeks in advance of the event may still result in a payable fee.

Return to NetFacilities - Room Setups.

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