SCAM ALERT: Assurance
DATE: 11/28/2023
SUBJECT: Assurance
SENDER: Gorge Alex <>
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Dear Sir/Ma'am
Let me introduce myself, my name is Ms. Georgiana Alex from Kyiv in Ukraine, I also grow, study, live and work here in Kyiv Ukraine.
I was searching for one of my relatives before I came across your profile on the internet. I decided to contact you because of your Rev. and I am a christian, my husband was murdered at the attack of the Russian Military in my country. Since his death, I am alone with my daughter in the underground shelter of the Red Cross. I have lived my life with all this pain hoping that someday things will turn out to be better but all to no avail. Now I have decided to relocate and buy a house maybe in your country through your help.
I want to bring to your notice that we have $1.8 million savings. This is funds that my husband and I have saved for us as an industrialist and he has it as a fixed deposit with a bank in Thailand. My intention is to buy a house with access to school for my daughter and the rest of the money will be used for investments according o the law, your advice and help. I take this opportunity because I have no alternative and other purpose than to trust someone. I lost all my relatives in the war, now with no brother and sister.
Yours Faithfully
Ms. Georgiana Alex
🚩 The sender does not specify how they came across your profile or on what channel, which indicates this is a mass email.
🚩 The sender uses the high ($1.8 million ) savings amount to entice recipients to help them.
🚩 There are grammar and punctuation issues throughout the message.