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Trucks Venture Capital and Schox Venture Capital

The thesis of the Trucks Growth Fund is to invest primarily in the later rounds of the portfolio companies from Trucks Venture Capital, including Trucks Venture Fund 1 LP (“TVF1”), Trucks Venture Fund 2 LP (“TVF2”), Trucks Venture Fund 3 LP (“TVF3”), and any subsequent fund. TVF1 and TVF2 are no longer in their initial investment period. TVF3, which is currently in its initial investment period, has the opportunity to invest up to $1.5M in individual companies before Trucks Growth Fund. In the case where a portfolio company from Trucks Venture Capital is also a client of Schox Patent Group, then the patent group’s investment arm (Schox Venture Capital also known as has the ability to invest up to $250K before Trucks Growth Fund.

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