Standard Permissions - Executive Staff
Permission | Description |
TabAdmin | N/A |
TabBilling | N/A |
TabClinic | N/A |
TabLab | N/A |
UploadPostingDocument | N/A |
Patient Overview
Permission | Description |
ChangeServiceDate | Allows the users to change the admission date on Patient Overview. |
DeleteFile | Gives you the ability to delete files on PatientOverview. |
DeleteInsurance | Gives you the ability to delete insurance on PatientOverview. |
ManageInsurance | N/A |
MergeAccount | Allows the user to connect (merge) two patient accounts. |
PatientFinancialStatus | Allows the user to see a patients financial status on Patient Overview. |
VisitStatus_Discharged | N/A |
VisitStatus_DoNotBill | N/A |
VisitStatus_DuplicateAccount | N/A |
VisitStatus_InHouse | N/A |
VisitStatus_LeftAMA | N/A |
VisitStatus_LeftWithoutBeingSeen | N/A |
VisitStatus_MSE | N/A |
VisitStatus_Transfer | N/A |
New Visit
Permission | Description |
NewVisit | N/A |
StatCheckIn | Allows the user to access the stat check-in module. |
Permission | Description |
BulkApproveStatementBalance | Automatically created permission level for BulkApproveStatementBalance. |
BulkDisablePatientBilling | Automatically created permission level for BulkDisablePatientBilling. |
BulkQueueStatement | Automatically created permission level for BulkQueueStatement. |
BulkSetCodingStatus | Automatically created permission level for BulkSetCodingStatus. |
BulkSetFollowUpStatus | Automatically created permission level for BulkSetFollowUpStatus. |
Reporting | N/A |
ShareReportLayouts | Automatically created permission level for ShareReportLayouts. |
Merchant Services
Permission | Description |
MerchantServices | Allows access to the Merchant Services module(s). |
QuickPayment | Allows the user to add patient payments during check in. |
Permission | Description |
PublishInsuranceGroupInfo | Allows the user to publish insurance group information on the InsuranceGroup module. |
SupportAccess | Allows the user to submit tickets and see support phone numbers. |
Permission | Description |
BillingPeriods | Automatically created permission level for BillingPeriods. |
BillingPeriodsReOpen | Automatically created permission level for BillingPeriodsReOpen. |
Posting | Allows access to all posting modules. |
Coding Buckets
Permission | Description |
CodingBuckets | N/A |
MarkCodingComplete | Allows the user to set coding cases to coding complete. |
Permission | Description |
AssignToWorkflow | Gives the ability to assign workflow cases to other users. |
FollowUp | N/A |
FollowUpBuckets | N/A |
Patient Financials
Permission | Description |
DisablePatientBilling | Gives you the ability to set the BillStatus on a patient to |
ManuallySetStatementCycle | Allows the user to manually set the statement cycle days for a patient/visit in Patient Financials. |
PatientFinancials | N/A |
ReverseCharge | Allows the user to reverse charges. |
Permission | Description |
Coding | Allows access to the Coding module from; Home, PatientOverview, Viewforms, EditLabOrder, Reports, VentureReports. |
Permission | Description |
Scheduling | Allows the user access to Scheduling. |
SchedulingAdmin | Allows access to the admin functions of the scheduling system. |
Permission | Description |
Anesthesia | Allows access to anesthesia modules from Home, Patient Overview and Print Forms |
Permission | Description |
Charging | N/A |
DeleteChargeTemplate | Gives the ability to delete charge templates. |
PreferenceCards | Allows access to the PreferenceCards tab page in PatientFinancials. |
Lab Result Overview
Permission | Description |
LabResultOverview | Allows access to all lab modules including administration sections. |
Lab Office Results
Permission | Description |
LabOfficeResults | N/A |
Lab Settings
Permission | Description |
LabEditTests | Gives the ability to edit lab test information. Enables the All locations checkbox on EditLabOrder |
LabTagAdmin | Allows the user to set permission level access on the use of tags. |
Lab Edit Order
Permission | Description |
LabChangeSpecimenID | Gives the ability to change specimen ID on a lab order in the Edit Lab Order module. |
LabEditOrder | N/A |
LabEditOrderSaveAndOrderAnother | N/A |
LabOrderWorkflow | N/A |
Lab Edit Results
Permission | Description |
LabEditResults | Automatically created permission level for LabEditResults. |
Patient Portal
Permission | Description |
PortalAllowMessagingPatient | Automatically created permission level for PortalAllowMessagingPatient. |
PortalViewBillingMessages | Automatically created permission level for PortalViewBillingMessages. |
PortalViewClinicalMessages | Automatically created permission level for PortalViewClinicalMessages. |
PortalViewRegistrationMessages | Automatically created permission level for PortalViewRegistrationMessages. |
Config Admin
Permission | Description |
CanEditPhysicians | Allows the users to edit existing physician information |
LocationsAdmin | N/A |
LookupTableEditor | Allows the user to access the Lookup Table module through Home as well as in the Lab result overview module. |
PhysicianDirectory | N/A |
PrintServicesAdmin | N/A |
Charge Admin
Permission | Description |
ChargeMaster | Allows access to the ChargeMaster module from Home and PatientFinancials. |
PreferenceCardEditor | Allows access to the PreferenceCards module. |
UpdateExistingPrice | Gives the ability to change the price in the Chargemaster module. |
Team Admin
Permission | Description |
UserPerformance | Allows access to the User Performance Module. |
Batch Admin
Permission | Description |
BatchGeneration | Allows access to the Batching screen |
Permission | Description |
AddPatientCharges | N/A |
BillingStaff | Allows access to the Billing ribbon tab on Home. Allows the option to quick-open financials on past patients. Shows the Follow Up section on the comment form. |
CanCreatePhysicians | Allows the user to create physicians. |
ChartEditor | Allows access to the ChartEditor on Home and ViewForms. |
CustomReports | Grants access to the period summary button on the billing period module. |
DeleteDoctor | Gives the ability to delete physicians. |
ExecutiveStaff | Allows the user to see all teams within the UserPerformance module. |
LabCreateResult | Gives the ability to create a lab result from scratch. |
LabOffice | This option will change the visible data on the home page as well as restrict the user to the Lab tab. This option also enforces read only modes in select lab modules. |
LabPiggyBackLabels | N/A |
LabSaveAndOrderAnother | Automatically created permission level for LabSaveAndOrderAnother. |
MaterialsManagement | N/A |
PatientBalanceHistory | Automatically created permission level for Patient Balance History. |
PhysicianManagement | Allows access to the provider directory module. |
PrintPatientWristband | Allows the user to print patient wrist labels, assuming that the |
RealTimeEligibility | Automatically created permission level for RealTimeEligibility. |
ReportsAnalysis | N/A |
ReportsAndWorkflows | Allows access to the Reports Module along with Workflows. |
ReportsASC | Grants access to reports within the ASC reporting tile |
ReportsBilling | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsCarrierSpecific | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsCaseMix | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsCIGM | N/A |
ReportsClosing | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsCoding | N/A |
ReportsContractManagement | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsCPTMix | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsCustom | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsER | N/A |
ReportsERAnalysis | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsExports | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsFinancial | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsInpatient | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsInterface | N/A |
ReportsInterfacedData | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsLab | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsMarketing | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsMIPSMeasures | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
reportspatient | N/A |
reportsphysician | N/A |
ReportsPhysicianManagement | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsPosting | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsProductivity | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsRCMCompany | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsRegistration | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsRevenueIntegrity | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
ReportsScheduling | N/A |
ReportsUserAccess | Allows access to the specific report tile group. |
UnitSettings | Allows access to the Location module. |
Workflow.Access | Allows access to the Workflow Module. |
WorkReportItem | Automatically created permission level for WorkReportItem. |
ZirmedViewClaimHistory | Allows the user access to the Zirmed Claim History button on Patient Overview. |
ZirmedViewEOB | Allows the user access to the Zirmed EOB button on Patient Overview. |