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Open Patient channel

Date: [Date the feature was added]

Version: 5.2

Section/s: Uploads Page, Wounds Page, Configurations Page, Settings Page

How does it work?

If the feature is turned on you can find the Hucu.AI button on the app bar on Wounds and Uploads Page. Button will be disabled before you select the patient.

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Select the Patient
If you selected the patient but button is still disabled:

  • user info is not configured (see "How do I configure it" below)
  • you are offline

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Press the button

You will be redirected to the Hucu.AI app. It will verify you data first.

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If everything is right - Patient channel will be created (if it doesn't exist) and opened.
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Sometimes you may see an error "Patient is not location member".
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This error means that your current patient is already added to another location. One patient cannot be added to different locations at the same time. In case you need to move the patient to a different location - please contact our team.

How do I configure it?

First of all configurations related to user locations have to be made on the back end side.

You can configure your user info in two places:

  • Go to the Drawer/Support/Settings/Hucu.AI dropdown. Fill all the required data and press SAVE button. SAVE button just saves your data for Hucu account.
  • Configurations Page - will pop up if you try to open Hucu.AI from Wounds or Uploads but your data is not configured yet. Fill all the required data. After you press the OPEN HUCU.AI button your data will be saved and you will be redirected to the Hucu.AI app. If you press CANCEL - your data will not be saved and the page will close.

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Last Name, First Name, Email, Username - these fields need to be entered manually with the user's data for Hucu.AI account.
Gender - select your gender (male, female, non-binary) from the dropdown.
Location - select the location you want to open Hucu.Ai in. This list is the list of locations that was previously configured on the back end side.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.