Forecast & Budgets
The Forecast & Budgets application is used by the Sales team to review budgets and booked revenue directly in Salesforce.
Initial Navigation:
A new tab called Forecast & Budgets has been created and is visible to all users when logged into salesforce.
The search field is auto-populated with the current logged in user's name.
The year is defaulted to current year.
The quarter is defaulted to All.
The Help for this Page link will open a new tab for the Forecast & Budgets documentation.
Note: The user will be able to change the year and the quarter via the dropdown list. (Please see screenshot below)
Forecast & Budgets Page:
The Forecast & Budgets page is refreshed upon clicking 'Go'. User should now be able to see two widgets:
Totals widget with All Categories table.
Budget Categories, Accounts, and Management widget.
Budget categories tab will consist of several categories related to the logged in user.
Accounts tab will consist of several accounts related to the logged in user.
Management tab will show only if the logged in user manages any user in Salesforce.
Combined, New Business, Existing Business
Combined tab will consist of both New and Existing Business budgets.
New Business tab will consist of ONLY New Business budgets.
Existing Business tab will consist of ONLY Existing Business budgets.
Note: (Screenshot for reference only)
Widgets Structure:
The information shown on the top of the table is the aggregated data for all months for the respective group.
Hovering over the 'i' icon will display definitions for each group.
The information shown in the table is data by each month for the respective group.
Note: This structure is the same across all widgets. (Screenshot below shows the Totals Widget for reference)
Totals Widget:
Total widget shows the aggregation of all budget categories that are related to the logged in user.
Budget Categories Tab:
Budget Categories tab will show three nested tabs: Combined, New Business and Existing Business.
Combined tab will show all the categories related to the logged in user for both New and Existing Business.
New Business tab will show all the categories related to the logged in user for ONLY New Business.
Existing Business tab will show all the categories related to the logged in user for ONLY Existing Business.
For each category, user will be able to see the aggregated data as well as each month's data in the respective table.
In the New and Existing Business tabs, - users will see an additional group called: Adjustment-* %. * represents the budget category.
Adjustment % row can only be edited by managers.
Accounts Tab:
The accounts tab will show all the accounts related to the logged in user.
The accounts tab has the pagination feature which has the following functionalities:
An option to choose how many records you want to see per page.
Four buttons to navigate around quickly: First, Previous, Next and Last.
View the total no. of accounts.
An option to navigate to a certain page by changing the page number. The page numbers are dynamically changed based on the total number of accounts and the records per page that you choose.
Upon clicking the Name of the account, the user will be navigated to that account.
Upon clicking View Opportunities, a report is opened in a new tab with all the opportunities related to that account.
Upon clicking View Account Budgets, a report is opened in a new tab with all the Account Budgets related to that account.
Political orders can be easily identified as below:
Management Tab:
(Only applicable for managers)
This tab will show user budgets for the manger's direct reports.
Each users "All Categories" data will be shown in separate tables. This is view only.
Upon clicking View AE Budgets, a report is opened in a new tab with all the User Budgets related to that Account Executive.
Adjusting Pipeline:
(Only applicable for managers)
Managers are able to edit the Adjustment-* % row for the users under their hierarchy.
To edit a specific users Pipeline, enter the users name in the search bar of the Forecast & Budgets Page. (Not the Global Search)
Choose a specific tab, New Business or Existing Business.
Scroll down to the specific category that needs to be adjusted.
Each month will show a pencil icon upon hovering over the cell. Click on the pencil icon to enter necessary value and click Save.
Please note that the values entered should be between -100% to 100%. An error message will pop-up in red if you try to save with an invalid value.
Clicking Save will refresh the page and Pipeline will be updated for that specific category. This change is also reflected in the Totals Widget.
Note: Do not attempt to edit multiple tables at once. It is best practice to update and save each table at a time. Editing multiples tables at once will increase the risk of losing your updates.