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Voice and Tone Guide

Use this template to ensure your conversations with customers match your company’s brand voice and tone. Learn more about this template.

Maintain a positive connotation

A connotation is a feeling or idea that a word has in addition to its literal or main meaning (the denotation). Often, a series of words can have the same basic definitions, but completely different connotations—these are the emotions or meanings implied by a word, phrase, or a thing.

Positive connotations are associations that are good or affirmative and make one think and feel good things when reading those words. In CX, you have the power to give the same exact information to a customer in a positive or negative way. We always strive to deliver information in a positive way!

Negative Connotation: Unfortunately, the item is out of stock.
Positive Connotation: At this time, this item is not available at our warehouse.

Try this; not that

  • "I’m so excited that you want to buy our sheets!”

    • Instead, try “I’m so excited that you’re interested in our sheets!”

  • "Our Product Team doesn't work on the weekends so I don't have an answer yet."

    • Instead, try "I want to make sure I get the correct information for you! Thanks so much for your patience while I double check." For emails, it's always ok to wait until you have all information needed to reply. It's always ok to ask if you can follow up via email to confirm.

  • "I don't know."

    • Instead, try "That's a great question! I want to make sure I pass along the correct information. Would you mind if I followed up via email while I do a little digging on my end?"

  • "I can't do that."

    • Instead, try "While we're unable to do that at this time, I definitely want to work towards another solution for you!"

Phrases to avoid

Here are some words/phrases we try to avoid, but of course, there are always exceptions. In general, try your best not to use these and always focus on solution-oriented language. As with so much of our work, always use your best judgment.

Negative words: Bad, challenging, cheap, difficult, disappointed, unhappy, upsetting, worse, unfortunately

Negative phrases: I can't, I don't know, a team member hasn't replied to my request, mentioning your off days/schedule

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