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Student Code of Conduct - 19. Reporting

Processes described below are applicable to reports of sexual misconduct and harassment involving students. To review the full university Sexual Misconduct and Harassment policy here: University Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, Prohibited Relationships, Title IX and Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (effective 10/5/2023)

A. Reporting

Any individual may make a report of alleged Sexual Harassment/Misconduct whether they are directly involved in the harassment/misconduct or as a third-party reporter. Reports can be made in person, via phone, or via email.

  1. For incidents involving students contact:
  2. Cassita Charles-Bowie, Associate Director for Student Title IX and Discrimination, Senior Investigator,
  3. Student Conduct and Community Standards,
  4. Student Support and Advocacy,
  5. Anonymous Portal,
  6. In emergency situations or if you need immediate assistance, please contact Campus Security at 212-229-7001.
  7. For incidents involving faculty and staff contact:
  8. Rhonnie Jaus, Vice President for Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Compliance and Title IX Coordinator, at
  9. The Harassment/Discrimination Reporting Form here:

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