Business Expense Policy - 04. Business Meals
For purposes of the university’s expense policy, a ‘business meal’ includes at least one external party in attendance. Therefore, for example, the university will not cover the cost of a meal incurred by two staff members while discussing university business. In rare instances when on- campus meetings, without an external party, have to be scheduled during meal times and a meal break cannot reasonably be included or if a meeting has to be scheduled outside of work hours, the university will cover the cost of appropriate refreshments, with supplemental approval. The university will pay for approved, necessary, and reasonable business meals that are hosted by, and paid for by, a university employee and may include guests, business colleagues, donors, or prospective students. Examples include fundraising, recruitment, and recognition of a speaker.
Except where otherwise noted in the per diem section, the university will cover the actual and reasonable cost of a business meal. Costs exceeding a reasonable threshold will be the responsibility of the employee. Payment for business meals in which a spouse and/or dependent is required to attend requires supplemental approval. The cost of alcoholic beverages may not be charged to publicly funded projects.
For each business meal, the business justification and guest list is required with the submission of expense reports.
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