
An expert from InnoSoft Canada Inc. last verified this content on Jan 9, 2025.

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Get Fusion Version History

Use the query below to find the Fusion version history including version and publish date (newest version on top).

DECLARE     @QB bit = 1 --0 for running in SSMS, 1 for running via Query BuilderDECLARE @Zone varchar(max) = (SELECT TOP 1 Timezone FROM T_UTC_Settings)SELECT      CASE        WHEN @QB = 0 THEN dbo.FN_CONVERT_UTC_TO_LOCAL_BY_TIMEZONE_IDENTIFIER(@zone, pl.LAST_PUBLISH_TIMESTAMP)        WHEN @QB = 1 THEN pl.LAST_PUBLISH_TIMESTAMP --QB automatically converts UTC time to your local time     END as 'Last Update Timestamp'    ,pl.APPLICATION_VERSIONFROM T_PUBLISH_LOG plORDER BY LAST_PUBLISH_TIMESTAMP DESC

Version tracking was added/enhanced in version 2.3.1. You may see an inconsistent reporting of the version number before that point. There are limited examples of versions reporting as "N/A" or a blank. Those were resolved by the next Fusion version. The date information has been accurate since Fusion launch.


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