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How to Manually Edit a Fee Amount Due on a Pre-Existing Record

Note: Only System and Record Administrators are able to edit fees

To change the fee, amount due on a payment step, you can simply click on that fee's amount due and write in the desired amount and then press Save.

If you want to fully remove a fee from a step, you can simply click the "X" button.


Either of the aforementioned actions will automatically update that step's balance due; and if a step was previously fully paid prior to this being done, the payment step will re-activate.

In the example below, you'll see that I deleted the $100 "Permit Fee" but kept the $30 "Reinspection Fee," and now the total fee due on the step is $30.


Removing a fee that has already been paid

If you'd like to remove a fee from a Payment Step that has already been partially or fully paid, you will need to either refund or void those payments before the fee can be removed.

When removing a fee that has already been paid, you will see a prompt that displays any payments made toward that fee, with a link to either refund or void each payment.


Once all payments have been refunded or voided, the fee can be removed.

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Version 1.1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.