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Editors | Emeritus | Columbia Business School (CBS) | Video Style Guide

Key Style Guide Information and Links

This card covers guidance for editing CBS videos.

Important Notes

  • For CBS-DDIL, "VC" is an acceptable abbreviation – no need to write out/define the term.
  • For CBS-CEO.SEPO, organization, company, and firm can be used interchangeably.
  • For CBS-VALU:
    • Please allow for the use of "firm" in place of "organization."
    • There should not be any title case in split screens or text boxes (all text should be sentence case). If there seems to be a title, then it should be converted to a lead-in.
  • For CBS-OPST:
    • Use title case in graph headers.
    • 60:40 screens can have a mixture of headers and lead-in lines depending on the requirement of the content.
    • Headers will use a colon (:) before "Example". This is fine - please do not edit.


  • Default: Capitalize prepositions in title case if they are four letters or more.
    • e.g., With, From, to, in.
    • Follow regular CMoS title case (ignore the CBS style guide!).


  • Use CMoS specifications for bullets:
    • Do not use punctuation at the end of basic/fragment bullet points.
    • Use end punctuation if the points are complete sentences, make up a full sentence, or there is more than one sentence in a bullet point, and be consistent.


  • CMoS Title Case

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  • Body text and lead-ins: sentence case
    • Note: there should not be any titles or title case in a split screen. If there is something that looks like a title, it should be converted to a lead-in.
      • Exception: CBS-OPST (see Important Notes above)
  • Use periods only for complete sentences that are not lead-ins.

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  • Text: sentence case
  • Use periods only for complete sentences.

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  • Body text: sentence case
    • Note: There should be no title casing in text boxes.
  • Use periods only for complete sentences.

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  • Headers: CMoS Title Case
  • Sub-headers: sentence case
    • Includes captions, headers, and labels in infographics/charts/graphs/tables.
  • Body text: sentence case
  • Graphs, charts, and graphics: sentence case
  • Use periods only for complete sentences that are not lead-ins.​​image.png


  • Screen Header: Title Case
  • Sub-header: sentence case
  • Headers in callouts: sentence case
  • Body text in callouts: sentence case
  • Use periods only for complete sentences.

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  • Header row and column: sentence case
    • EXCEPTION: For CBS-OPST, use Title Case for graph headers
  • All other rows and columns: sentence case

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