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Daily Stats

Daily Stats provides users with a comprehensive and detailed overview of their account's activity for every day of the week, starting from the account's inception. This report yields the most detailed insight available within the software.


How Does It Work?

From your dashboard, click on Daily Stats.

To export the data, click on Export.

Feature Attributes

Daily Stats shows the following information, dating back to the first day a user's account was active:

  • Date
  • Inbox: Number of unread messages
  • Connections: Size of your LinkedIn 1st Degree network
  • Requests: Number of connection requests sent
  • Connected: Number of new connections
  • Replied Connects: Number of responses to your connection message
  • Replied Messages: Number of responses to your Welcome Message, Message 1, and any message thereafter
  • Upcoming Tasks: Number of remaining tasks

Additionally, clicking on the Labels tab provides users a more detailed view of their label utilization.

Related Topics

For more information, contact your Admin or Account Manager.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.