Guru's Verification engine ensures consistency, confidence, and trust in the knowledge your organization shares. Learn more.

Order List Page

The Orders page allows you to view all orders that have been submitted for the company that was selected.

The data you are viewing is directly sourced from Intrax ERP system; it is recommended to click on 'Refresh' button if you would like to see the latest data instead of cached information that normally would have minor time delay.

All columns are self-explanatory, and you can hover your mouse over the symbols to understand the functions.

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Change company / office

If you have access to more than one company / office, they can be selected via the company dropdown.

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Search filters & Buttons

A set of responsive filter options can be used to update the list.

Filter Name


Active / Closed (dropdown)

Toggle between active and completed jobs


Searching by any keywords that may be contained within any column text

Clear all

Clear existing searched content


Pull latest data from Intrax ERP system (notification will show until process is complete)


Filter options by each column

Group by project / order

Toggle between how orders are shown (by default each row is a project)


Choose which columns are shown


Export data

Sorting the columns

Clicking on the title of each column allows instant sorting.


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.