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TNS Models Protocol & Code of Conduct

This protocol is your guide while working with models at The New School. Click here for the printable PDF version.

NOTE: The University will not pay for bookings made outside of the Model Request Form process, and models confirmed outside of the request form will be denied campus access.
NOTE: No model bookings will be made with less than two weeks' notice from the date of the request. This is to ensure adequate time for booking and confirming models.

Code of Conduct - General

  1. Faculty & Students are expected to be respectful of the Drawing & Fit model at all times and there should be no excessive talking while the model is posing or fitting a garment.
  2. Drawing models should have preference over room temperature so students should not move the heaters in the room or open the windows.
    1. Portable heaters are available for Drawing models in the designated areas within your school/department. Sometimes it is difficult to control the temperature of the studio; the model must be comfortable with the temperature of the room; windows should only be opened at the request of the model and should be closed when requested and at the end of the session.
  3. In general mobile phones should be switched off, (and put away), in Drawing & Fit classes.
    1. However, if required/requested the model may allow students to take photographs for professional and/or artistic references, which is appropriate but always with prior permission.
    2. If a flash is used, it must be at the end of a pose so as not to disturb the other artists.
    3. The university requires individuals to sign a model release form when they are photographed. As a general guide, if you’re taking a picture of a single person or a small group and they’re the main focus of your shot, have them complete and sign a model release form
    4. Regardless of whether you arrange photography through us or on your own, please note that release forms are required for photography and videography that will be published publicly (i.e. on the web, social media, etc). These include:
      1. Appearance Releases, which must be signed by subjects who will be present and potentially captured on film (i.e. students and faculty who will participate in a classroom critique, panel speakers at an event).
      2. Student work releases, which should be signed by students whose work will be present and therefore potentially captured on film (such as at an open studio, exhibition, or a critique).
  4. Social media: It is forbidden to take photographs in any digital media of the models by the faculty or students without the expressed consent of the model unless the class is an appointed photography class in the roster for the semester. Only photos of models that agree to pose for photography classes will be used. For Fit models, all uses of imagery on social media should be communicated and approved with the model and with proper credit. Students may need to take photos of the garments on the model regarding their studies, but this should only be for their reference, not for displaying on social media. If a model suspects that an illegal photograph has been taken, they may ask to see the drive (or film) and to delete the photo or video.
    1. The university requires individuals to sign a model release form when they are photographed. As a general guide, if you’re taking a picture of a single person or a small group and they’re the main focus of your shot, have them complete and sign a model release form
    2. Regardless of whether you arrange photography through us or on your own, please note that release forms are required for photography and videography that will be published publicly (i.e. on the web, social media, etc). These include:
      1. Appearance Releases, which must be signed by subjects who will be present and potentially captured on film (i.e. students and faculty who will participate in a classroom critique, panel speakers at an event).
      2. Student work releases, which should be signed by students whose work will be present and therefore potentially captured on film (such as at an open studio, exhibition, or a critique).

Code of Conduct - Students

  1. Students should not stand or walk close to the Drawing model at any time.
  2. Students should refrain from commenting inappropriately about the personality or physicality of Drawing & Fit Models in class or on social media.
  3. On occasion a student of the class group may volunteer to pose to assist with a particular aspect of a pose; this will always be a clothed pose, be of short duration and the artists are required to draw only the pose and the appearance of the student as presented.
  4. The room should be quiet while drawing in progress. The volume should also be at a minimum during fittings to prevent injury with pins.
  5. It is expected that while the model is undraped, everyone is either actively drawing or teaching. Any exception must have the permission of the model and the teacher.
  6. A student must not approach the model stand or leave their belongings there. This is strictly the model’s territory; the same applies to the space where the model will change and leave their street clothes.
  7. The model must not be overwhelmed with instruction; instructions to the model from the student must go through the teacher; likewise, the student must never touch the drawing model.
  8. There should be no mixing paint/ink/graphite, preparing clay, or cutting acetate on the modeling platform, posing mats, and chairs.
  9. Paint brushes and hands should not be wiped clean on the model's sheet, platform, posing mats, and chairs.
  10. There should be no standing, walking, shoes, or boots on the modeling platform or the model's sheet, posing mats, or chairs.
  11. There should be no food or drink on the modeling platform, sheet, posing mats, and chairs.
  12. All spills should be cleaned immediately and appropriately.
  13. The model should be thanked at the end of the class.
Student Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Faculty

  1. For insurance and emergency purposes, models are to report to and remain in the confirmed classroom, they should not be asked to relocate to an alternative location without confirmation in advance.
  2. If teachers direct the model in pose selection, the model has the right to refuse or modify a pose if they feel it will be excessively uncomfortable; the time duration of poses should be monitored and adhered to.
  3. Teachers can ask the model to change or modify their pose if they feel it will best serve the purposes of the session.
  4. It is not appropriate for the teacher to touch the model for any reason. The only exception would be pre-arranged with the model (at the discretion of the model) for teaching purposes.
  5. If the model has to return to a pose and tape references are needed, it is typically done by the teacher but if the model prefers they can apply it themselves.
  6. Drawing and Fit models should be given full breaks.
  7. Teachers should be aware of poses that can cause back, neck strain, and cramps.
  8. Teachers should refrain from commenting inappropriately about the personality or physicality of Drawing & Fit models in class or on social media.
  9. For clothed poses, teachers should be mindful of paint, ink, and materials, in general, getting on the model's clothes; they should also be aware of wear and tear on the model’s clothes during difficult /gesture poses.
  10. Drawing & Fit teachers should strive to maintain the dignity and professionalism of the models by refraining from commenting on them outside of the classroom.
  11. When using solvents make sure that the room is well ventilated. Turpentine is not allowed in any classroom.
Full-Time Faculty Handbook

Drawing Models Protocol

Drawing Model Breaks

  1. Models are entitled to a full 20-minute long break for classes running 2 hours and 40 minutes or longer. A 6-hour class counts as two classes, which equals 2 long breaks.
  2. For 20-minute poses, there are 5-minute rest periods in between each set.
  3. 15-minute breaks for classes running 2.5 hours.
  4. Models must be prepared to start immediately after their break.
  5. Keep in mind that you and the students can come and go as you choose, but the model must remain in the model stand until their 20-minute set is finished. Models use their long breaks to take care of their agenda.
  6. On days that you might be having a long critique and you do not require the model to be around, please let them know exactly when to be back and ready to work.
  7. Speak with the model and establish if your critique time will be used instead of the long break.
  8. Do not assume that because you began your class late the model’s breaks will be shorter or skipped.

Drawing Model Poses

  1. All models are requested to pose in 20-minute or less blocks of time. Anything longer than that has to be cleared with the model directly. Anything beyond two 20-minute poses the model can turn down your request.
  2. Pain tolerance varies from person to person. Do not assume that a model can repeat a pose after a one-set request.
  3. There is a maximum of 3 sets of short poses for any pose that is less than five minutes.
  4. If you require that a model do short poses for the duration of the class, you must make that clear in your request form so that a person who specializes in short poses can select that booking.
  5. For repeated long poses; establish that very clearly with the model before the pose starts.
  6. The same rule applies if you are doing a standing pose for the whole class. I need at least two to three weeks’ notice to find someone who can stand that long. According to the models' protocol, I require that they be able to do at least two 20-minute standing poses, anything beyond 2 poses they can turn down your request.
  7. Do not pose the models. Each model has a specific repertoire that they feel comfortable with. Each person’s pain tolerance varies. Speak to the model before the pose starts and make a suggestion and they will try to accommodate your request.
  8. Poses that are deemed sexist or sexually explicit are NOT ACCEPTABLE.
  9. Do not ask the models to pose in their undergarments or partially dressed. Request a Nude Model if required for instruction.
  10. All the models are required to own a timing device, this is to ensure that model remains in the pose for the original agreed-upon time.
  11. If a model has an issue with a room being too cold and a heater cannot be obtained, at their discretion, they can opt to remain clothed. Portable heaters for Drawing models are available in the designated areas within your school/department. Please reach out to if a heater is needed with at least a week’s notice.

Drawing Model Lateness

  1. If your model is not in the classroom 5 minutes after the appointed time please email them via the Google Calendar invite Immediately.

Fit Model Protocol

We Speak Model Management

  1. All Fit models are exclusively provided by We Speak Model Management across The New School from August 28, 2023, to August 26, 2024
  2. Models are paid for the exact time that they work in your class. They are obligated to fill out a timesheet at the end of the week and report the time worked.
  3. If a model does not show up at the designated start time of the booking, we ask that you contact them and New School Models immediately -- their phone numbers will be listed on the confirmation sheet.
  4. If a lateness occurs, the model is required to work the full time of the request (i.e. if they arrive 15 minutes late, they will be required to stay 15 minutes over). They have been asked to inform you and the coordinators at the school and the agency if they are running late.
  5. Do not ask a model to stay longer than the time that was originally requested. Requests must be approved by the New School Models Coordinator and confirmed with the agency.
  6. Please allow time for the model to dress and exit the classroom on time.
  7. Social media: It is forbidden to take photographs in any digital media of the models by the faculty or students without the expressed consent of the model unless the class is an appointed photography class in the roster for the semester. Only photos of models that agree to pose for photography classes will be used. For Fit models all uses of imagery on social media should be communicated and approved with the model and with proper credit. Students may need to take photos of the garments on the model regarding their studies, but this should only be for their reference, not for displaying on social media. If a model suspects that an illegal photograph has been taken, they may ask to see the drive (or film) and to delete the photo or video.
    1. The university requires individuals to sign a model release form when they are photographed. As a general guide, if you’re taking a picture of a single person or a small group and they’re the main focus of your shot, have them complete and sign a model release form

Interaction with Fit Models

  1. Introduce yourselves to the model and treat them with the utmost respect.
  2. Models are an invaluable part of your team. Involve them in the design process and conversation. Ask them and observe how they are experiencing the garment. How comfortable is the garment / textile? How is it affecting the way they hold their body and move? How does it make them feel? Etc…
  3. Name & Gender Pronouns: Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender, gender variance, and nationalities. We will gladly honor the model's request to address them by an alternate name or gender pronoun.

Drawing & Fit Model Cancellation Policy

  1. Please note, that we have a 48-hour cancellation policy from the date/time of the confirmed booking. If any changes need to be made to your request please notify only immediately. This is the only account you will get a response from.

Thank you for your cooperation!


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