How to Process a Pay Out Agreement
This document will walk you through the process on how to set up an account for pay out agreement.
Step 1: Select Utility Billing Module
Step 2: Select Processes
Step 3: Select Account Transactions Entry
Step 4: Select Add New Data from the OpenGov toolbar or F6 from your keyboard
- Enter the customers account number or use the magnifying glass to search for the account.
- Enter the transaction amount that will be written off for the contract or pay out agreement. This will be entered as -151.46 for example.
- Transaction code will default to A for adjustment. Leave this as is.
- Service code enter OT for other.
- Rate code you don’t need to enter anything here.
- Comment type a short description for the adjustment.
- Duplicate as cust comment? If the box is marked it will populate the message within the customer comments.
- Deposit receipt number you don’t need to enter anything here.
- Consumption amount you don’t need to enter anything here.
- Transaction date will default to the current date however you may change it if need to.
- Original trans date you don’t need to enter anything here.
- Check if adjustment does not relate to billing. Check the box because this does not relate to billing.
- Click submit from the OpenGov toolbar or enter from your keyboard.
Here is an example of what the screen will look like before clicking submit.
This is an example of what the screen will look like after you submit the adjustment. The customer doesn’t have the dollar amount of $151.46 due now.
Now you are ready to add the service code for the pay out agreement
- Go to the customers account in this example its 5-580-4.
- Select Services
- Select Add New Data from the OpenGov toolbar or F6 from your keyboard
- Service code in this ex: its CPO (this might be a different service code that your entity maybe using).
- Service status leave this “Active” if it’s “Inactive” change it to read “Active” from the drop down menu.
- Start date is when the adjustment was made to write off the dollar amount. In this example it was dated 11/05/2021.
- End date you don’t enter anything here.
- Rate code you don’t enter anything here.
- Bill this service is “Yes” if it’s “Inactive” change it to read “Yes” from the drop down menu.
- Tax exempt percentage you don’t enter anything here.
- Fixed amount enter the amount that the customer agreed to pay back each month.
- Fixed amount override you don’t need to enter anything here.
- Fixed total amount to bill is the dollar amount that is subject to the contract or payout agreement.
- Fixed total amount to date you don’t need to enter anything here.
- You don’t need to enter anything on page 2.
- Click submit from the OpenGov toolbar or enter from your keyboard.
- You are done processing the pay out agreement.
Here is an example of what information is needed to be filled out.
Note: The system will continue to bill the customer each month $35.00 until it has reached that total of $151.46. It will not bill the customer beyond that dollar amount entered on the fixed total amount to bill. As the customer starts to get billed each month the fixed total amount to date will increase to indicate how much the customer has paid towards the agreement.
Version 1.1