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Client Onboarding Process Overview

Initial Registration

Employees will receive an email from (or in rare cases someone from the Armhr team) with a unique link to complete registration for their accounts shortly following the Open Enrollment meeting. To confirm their identity, they will be asked to provide their Last Name and SSN as well as confirm the work email address that was provided on their employee census.

Employees should continue to use their work email addresses to sign into the Armhr app. However, if an employee will separate from the company, they can change their primary email address later on to a personal email.



Once employees are registered, they will be able to login in at with their work email and password they just set. Armhr is the new version of our legacy HCM platform, so if an employee happens to land on a login page that resembles the second screenshot below, please direct them to instead.


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Once an employee is signed in, they will land on this interstitial (onboarding) page. From here, they will be able to either launch Onboarding to complete their HR profile and enroll in benefits OR launch the Nayya benefits enrollment assistant


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Once employees complete onboarding, their job is complete until the PEO go-live date. The Armhr team will make the HCM application ( available to employees once the majority of employees have completed Benefits Enrollment. They will still use the same credentials as before to sign into the Armhr app, but instead of being routed to the interstitial page, they will land on the Armhr HCM application instead. Regular employee users will see a smaller subset of menu items reflective of their level of access permissions.

For our other Armhr partners integrated with our platform including: Mineral for Learning Management, Swipeclock for Time & Attendance, and Vestwell for 401k, there is a SSO authentication from Armhr to the respective platforms. If employees lose their place and need to re-sign into the application(s), they should go to the Armhr app and click on the menu item link which will re-authenticate them. In some instances, they may also set up a separate username & password for the partner by using the partner's Forget Password flow.


Nayya ( is a fully integrated partner of Armhr. Their product provides a recommendation on the best medical plan for employees based on an employee's anticipated healthcare utilization for the next year.

  • Nayya is a fully vetted Armhr partner. The Armhr team reviewed their technology architecture as well as privacy policies to ensure that employee data is always protected. No data from Nayya is ever shared back to Armhr or the employer and is only used to provide a benefits recommendation to the user.
  • Nayya will only recommend the plans offered by the employer. The user experience is very similar to TurboTax. At the very end of the wizard, employees will receive a recommendation of which plan to enroll in based on the data they choose to provide. An employee may chose to provide as much or as little information about dependents, anticipated doctor/hospital visits, pre-existing conditions, or recurring drug medications as they wish and all factors will be taken into account, including plan deductibles and copays.
  • Once an employee has utilized Nayya, they may also repeat the wizard at any time. They can choose to change certain inputs (like adjusting the number of anticipated PCP visits) and see if there are any changes to their final plan recommendation.
  • Nayya's end product is a recommendation of which plan may be the best fit for the employee based on anticipated costs using the user-provided data. Employees can also explore different healthcare scenarios (both expected or unexpected), including adding a dependent (child) or undergoing a procedure to see how that may impact the plan recommendation and/or the total predicted cost.
  • Nayya DOES NOT automatically enroll the employee in the recommended plan. Employees should remember which plan they want to choose and then select that plan during the Benefit Enrollment phase of Onboarding.












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