Transactions - Screen Overview
Screen Code: arlathi
This screen helps to view the transaction history for the customer account number with a date modified order.
You can also view the transaction summary and the transaction history for the account with a service total summary and aging information. The summary information displays - Total Due, Current Due,30-60 Days,60-90 Days, 90 Plus Day, Aged Date, Cycle, and Status.
It has the following parameters:
Right-click any records to perform the following actions:
- Inquire - To view the Work with Transaction Detail page (arlathi2)
- Email Transaction to customer - To send an email to the customer on the transaction details.
- Display payment images - To view the payment-related images such as checks etc.
- Documents - To view documents related to the transactions.
- Printable Version - To view the printable version of the screen.
- View/Email Invoices - To view and send email invoices for the transaction to the customer’s Email ID.
Version 1.1