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2. Components of the Portal


馃挰To - do list component

馃挰Common components

馃挰Link component

馃挰Text component

馃挰Rotating Banner

馃挰Grid component

馃挰Filter component

To-do list component

1. Function introduction

Administrators can set process tasks of different statuses in the to-do list component of the portal based on the actual business needs of the enterprise. Members can click the button in the component to jump to the to-do list page to process and view tasks.

2. Configuration method

2.1 Function entrance

[Enter the application package] - Select the corresponding [Portal] - [Edit Portal] - [To-Do list Component]

2.2 Add to-do list components

  1. Click to add a to-do list component in the portal.

  • Only one to-do list component is supported in a portal.

2.2 Set component title

  1. In the edit bar on the right, set the name and visibility of the component title.

  1. Set the content and visibility of component prompts.

  1. Set the sorting and visibility of to-do types

3. Member use

Click the to-do list type to jump to the to-do list page to handle process tasks generated in all applications.

Common components

1. Function introduction

Members of the workspace can add applications and portals in the workspace to common components according to their own business habits. After adding, members can directly operate the corresponding applications and portals from the common components of the portal.

2. Configuration method

2.1 Add common components

  1. Click to add common components to the portal

2.2 Set component title

  1. Set the title name of the component and the visibility of the title in the edit bar on the right.

3. Member use

3.1 Add commonly used applications and portals

  1. Click the Add button and select the portals and applications you want to add to your collection.
    • Select an application package to collect all applications and portals in the application package.
    • Directly query the applications and portals you want to add to your collection by searching for their names
  2. Drag the added applications and portals to adjust the display order in commonly used components.

  • Up to 24 applications and portals can be added to a common component
  • Members can only add applications and portals within their visible scope

3.2 Operations that can be performed in common components

  1. Click Apply to directly enter the application interface
  2. Directly initiate a new piece of data
  3. Click the More button:
    • View basic information
    • Edit application
    • Sort apps
    • Cancel favorites

The operations that can be performed on applications and portals in common components are consistent with the add, delete, modify, and check permissions of members' applications and portals.

Link component

1. Function introduction

Using the link component, you can embed internal/external links and display the linked page content in the component.

1.1 Usage scenarios

Embed external links, such as video links, which can be used to promote companies, products, etc.

Embed internal links, such as form links, which can be used as a quick channel for registration applications and purchase orders.

2. How to use

2.1 Function entrance

[Application List] - Select the corresponding [Portal] - [Edit Portal] - [Link Component]

I mage

2.2 Embed links

In the input box on the right, embed the required link and click Preview to display the content.

I mage

2.3 Authorized login information

  1. Turn on the [Allow authorized login information] switch in the link component
  2. After turning on this option, the system will automatically embed the personal information of the portal viewer in the link (wsid: workspace ID & exUserId: external ID)

This feature is available in the Enterprise Edition

I mage

2.4 Achieve results

2.4.1 PC version

Click the upper right button to refresh the linked page and enlarge the page in full screen.

I mage

2.4.2 Mobile terminal

Note: The mini program does not support the introduction of external links. When the embedded link is an internal link, the effect is as follows:

Take the "Purchase Order" form embedded in the site as an example:
I image

You can also edit the mobile style on the PC. Operation guide:

3. Precautions

路 Links component does not support embedding portal links

路 Mini programs do not support the introduction of external links

路 For public cloud users, under the default browser settings, only links starting with https:// can be effectively parsed. If you embed links starting with http://, you need to modify the relevant browser settings.

    • For private cloud or localized users whose domain name starts with http://, under the default browser settings, only links starting with http:// can be effectively parsed. If you embed links starting with https:// and connect, you also need to modify the relevant parameters. set up

路 If you embed a video connection, it is recommended to use video that conforms to the following encodings and file formats: MP4 files using the H264 video codec and AAC audio codec

    • Tips: Tips for checking whether it conforms to the recommended format - paste the link into the browser address bar. If it can be played normally in the browser, it will generally be able to be played normally in the link component.

路 Due to the limitations of the iframe attribute, if the light flow interface (such as a form, data table) is embedded, the members and department names of the enterprise WeChat version workspace will only display ID information when used on the web page.

路 If the entered link is modified after the switch is turned on, the link after authorizing the login information will remain consistent with the modified link.

路 The link embedded in the portal is denied access. It may be that the website itself prohibits iframe embedding. Anffy has no right to interfere. It is recommended to replace the embedded link.

Text component

Function introduction

Using the Text component, you can add text and image descriptions to your portal. Helps users of the portal understand the displayed content.


Function entrance

[Application List] - Select the corresponding [Portal] - [Edit Portal] - [Text Component]

Edit content

Click "Edit Text" to add text and images, and support operations such as selecting fonts and adjusting font size.

achieve effect

PC version

You can also edit the mobile style on the PC. Operation guide:

Mobile terminal

Rotating Banner

Function introduction

The Rotating Banner is a tool for communicating core values and important notices internally and for advertising and promoting information externally.

The Rotating Banner allows the company's information to be conveyed more prominently, effectively, and quickly by embedding links in pictures and playing multiple pictures in a loop.

Setup steps

Function entrance

[Choose any application] - [Edit Portal] - [Rotating Banner]

How to use:

1. Add the Rotating Banner to the portal. You can drag the grid position and scale the component size on the page according to the layout requirements.
2. Select an application in the workspace in the component's configuration bar as the content source for your Rotating Banner. The title, image, and link in the carousel will be determined based on the fields in the application.

3 The content of carousel titles, images, and links depends on the field values in the application where the content comes from:

  • You can select a single-line text field in the content source app as the carousel title.
  • You can select the link field in the content source app as the carousel link.
  • You can select the attachment upload field in the content source app as the image for the carousel.

4 You can choose the desired opening method for your link:

  • If you select the current page, the user will jump directly to the current page after clicking the picture.
  • If you select a new page, the browser will create a new page to open the link after the user clicks on the image.

5 You can filter the data in the current application by adding filter conditions, and the system will display the data that meets the conditions in the component. As shown in the figure below, set the filter condition to "responsible department" equal to "current department".

6 You can select the number of content displayed in the Rotating Banner in the display quantity configuration item. A maximum of eight pieces of content can be displayed in one component.

7 Click the save button in the upper right corner to preview the display effect of your Rotating Banner.


  • When selecting content source apps, only apps with visible permissions can be selected.
  • Carousel image adaptation rules: Minimum side adaptation, that is, the aspect ratio of the image is not changed until one side of the width/height is consistent with the width/height of the component, then the other side is cut off for display
    • Usage suggestions: Do not place the main content and font of the carousel image to the side of the image to avoid being truncated during image adaptation and affecting the display effect.

Palace grid component

Function introduction

The palace component is a container for quick access inside and outside the workspace. You can set up quick access to workspace applications, application packages, and portals in the palace. You can also place external links in the palace to meet page viewing in different scenarios need.

Setup steps

Function entrance

[Choose any application] - [Edit Portal] - [Grid Component]

How to use:

  1. Add the grid component to the portal. You can drag the grid position and scale the grid size on the page according to the layout requirements. The applications included in the grid will automatically adapt to the size of the grid.
  2. You can name the grid title in the configuration bar on the right and choose whether to display the grid title.

  1. You can click Add Content Source in [Content Configuration] to choose to add the application package, application or portal of the current workspace, or even a quick entry to an external link to your palace.

  1. When you add an external link to the palace grid, you can configure the title, link, opening method of the shortcut entry, choose to use the system default or upload a customized icon.

Grid link icon selection

  1. The portal's Grid component can now directly use the system's own icon when using the Grid link source.

  2. The portal's Grid component supports the custom picture function when using the Grid link source.


  • When selecting a source, you can only select application packages, applications, and portals with visible permissions.
  • of 24 quick entrances can be added to the palace grid , and the arrangement inside the palace grid will automatically adapt to the size and proportion of the palace grid.
  • If the size of the grid cannot display all the quick entrances, the grid will automatically package the parts that cannot be displayed as [More].
  • If you want to upload a custom icon for your external link, we strongly recommend that you upload a 1:1 image.

Filter components

1. Function introduction

You can query and filter one or more reports in the portal at the same time

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

Select the target portal, enter the editing interface, and click "Filter"

2.2 Add filter group

Select the filter component and click Add Filter Group in the configuration bar on the right to add a filter group. One or more filter groups can be added. In each filter group, one or more reports in the portal can be selected to configure filter conditions.

You can edit, and sort, and delete filter groups in the configuration bar on the

2.3 Edit filter conditions

2.3.1 Condition name

Select the filter group that needs to be edited, and you can customize the name of the conditions that need to be filtered.

2.3.2 Report scope

Click the Add Report button to set the corresponding report for the current filtering conditions. Multiple reports can be selected for each filtering condition. After selecting a report, you can select the fields in the report that support filtering.

  • Only reports within the current portal can be selected.

2.3.3 Filtering method

Choose different filtering methods. You can set it to support the current user entering keywords in the input box to search, or perform a drop-down search based on existing options.

  • Only single-line text, phone number, email, single selection, drop-down selection, multiple selection, and data-related fields support the selection filtering method. The default filtering method for other fields is the input box.

2.3.4 System default

In the system default, you can set the default judgment type and judgment content of filter conditions.

2.3.5 Filter data

In the filter component that has completed the configuration, after selecting/entering the filter conditions, click "Filter", and the report will display the filtered data
as shown in the figure.

3. Precautions

  • The relationship between multiple filter conditions in the same filter group is an "AND" condition, that is, data that meets both conditions will be filtered out.
  • The relationship between multiple filter groups within the same filter component is an "OR" condition, which means that data that meets the filter conditions in any filter group will be filtered out.
  • Only after the current filtering conditions are completed and saved can you continue to add the next filtering condition.
  • Only one filtering component is supported in a portal
  • To ensure search accuracy, fields added within the same filter condition need to be of the same type. Therefore, when adding multiple filter conditions, when the first filter condition has selected fields, the optional fields of other filter conditions will be limited to fields of the same type.

4. FAQ

4.1 Why is there a lot of fields in a report, but when setting multiple filter conditions, no fields can be selected?

Because the fields added within the same filter condition need to be of the same type. Therefore, when adding multiple filter conditions, when the first filter condition has selected fields, the optional field range of other filter conditions will be automatically limited to fields of the same type.

Example: when the [Single Line Text]/[Number] fields are selected for the fields in Report 1, the range of optional fields in Report 2 will change accordingly and will be automatically limited to fields of the same type.

Brief analysis of report components

Brief analysis of report components

Function introduction

The light analysis report component in the portal can display the data source from the data set or light flow, and adds a button in the upper right corner. Clicking it can update the data and display the latest update time and data source of the data.

Data updated in real time

In the light analysis report component in the portal, a configuration item will be added to increase the display of data update information. Clicking it will update the data in real time and display the latest update time and data source of the data
dataI image

If the data source of the Anffy report component in the portal is a Anffy application report, different content will be prompted, as shown in Figure
I image

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