Topaz Signature Device
Standard HSB Topaz signature pads are supported, such as:
Topaz T-S460
Topaz T-S461 SigLite 1x5 pads
Set up the Topaz signature device
Plug in the signature pad device to an available USB port on your computer. If you use a USB hub, make sure to use a powered USB hub. Turn the device over and look for the Model number. Keep this handy as you will need it when installing the driver.
Open PM Utilities
Choose Tools > Signature Capture Device...
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the signature device.
Test Signature Capture
Stay in PM Utilities. Go to Tools > Signature Capture Deviceā¦
As a test, write something on the signature pad device. Whatever you wrote on the device should show up on the screen.
Click OK. Exit out of PM Utilities and re-launch PostalMate. The signature pad is now available to use on this PostalMate station.