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Student Event Requests

There are three primary types of student events at The New School that follow different request processes:

  1. Events for registered student organizations
  2. Events initiated by students who are not affiliated with a registered organization
  3. Events for college-specific student events:
    1. CoPA student recitals and performances
    2. Lang student events
    3. NSSR graduate students

Continue reading to learn about different types of student-run events on campus, and how you can process these requests. Please note that there are specific requirements related to the serving of alcohol at any events where students are present.

Registered Student Organizations

Students affiliated with a registered student organization work directly with the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) to coordinate their meetings and events. For a list of registered student organizations, refer to this list on NarwhalNation.

Student-Initiated Events

Students who are NOT affiliated with a registered student organization but are interested in initiating an event or meeting must contact their academic department, which would have to agree to support and coordinate the event.

A commitment of support by an academic department means that the dean or faculty member is committing to assign a dedicated staff member to serve as the event coordinator who will oversee the planning and implementation of the event, and will be present for the entirety of the event. Faculty members should not attach their names to events in which they are not actively involved and present for on the day-of.

A student (or group of students) may not be the sole event coordinator, contact person or on-site coordinator for an event. There are many budgetary, staffing, legal, contractual, facilities, service and security decisions that need to be made both during the planning process and on-site that students are not in a position to make for the university. All student-initiated events require a New School staff or faculty member to serve as coordinator for the event and be present from beginning to end.

An academic department deciding whether or not to host a student's event on campus should ask the following questions:

  • Which program/college is the student currently enrolled in?
  • Is the meeting/event related to their studies at the university?
  • What is the purpose of this meeting/event/filming?
  • How large is the group?
  • Who are the guests/audience?
  • Which spaces are being requested?
  • What are the proposed activities and set-ups, and would this interfere with university policies? Will a COI be required?
  • Are there any other external organizations coming on campus?

College-Specific Student Events

CoPA students

CoPA students wishing to reserve space for their recitals and other projects can find additional information and instructions here. This page also includes information regarding practice room bookings.

Lang students

Lang students looking to request a space should review the Lang Events Toolkit for information. Students who are NOT affiliated with a registered student organization but are interested in initiating an event or requesting space for a project must contact their academic department, which would have to agree to support and coordinate the request. The faculty member serving as the point person should fill out the Lang Event Request Form on behalf of the student/group of students.

NSSR graduate students

NSSR graduate students seeking support for events on campus can find more information here.

Return to Event Logistics.

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