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Premium Feedback Pricing - Derivative Essays and Final Check

Derivative and final check reviews are available to Premium students only

  • All derivative essay reviews are 40% off as long as the derived essay word count is within 300 words of the source essay word count.

  • A $5 proofread (final check) review is available only after Prompt editors mark a review as being ready for a final check.

When the derivative essay pricing applies:

The essay must be marked as a derivative before the first review (regardless of whether that review is done by Prompt or counselor/counselor's editor). The parent essay should be complete before starting the derivative essay. However, many counselors don't actually mark essays complete so we implemented this workflow as such:

  • An essay can be made a derivative of an essay that is not marked complete

  • But reviews of the derivative essay will not be discounted if the parent essay gets reviewed afterwards

So an IEC can derive a Brown essay from a Harvard essay, submit the Brown essay, and then mark the Brown essay complete. But the review will only get derivative pricing if there are no submissions of the Harvard essay after that Brown essay was submitted.

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