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Setting Up Email Rules

Automatically move distribuiton list emails to specific folders (i.e. LT emails)

  1. Ensure you have created the folder you want to move the emails to, prior to creating the rule. To do this, right click in your inbox, and select 'New Folder...' - name the folder accordingly.
  2. From the top menu panel in Outlook, ensure you're on the Home tab, then select 'Rules' > 'Manage Rules & Alerts'image.png
  3. Select 'New Rule', and then start from a blank rule - 'Apply rule on messages i receive'. Click Next.


  1. Check 'Sent to people or public group' - then, from the 'Step 2' box, click into 'people or public group' and search for the distribution list you're wanting (in this case, Click Next.


  1. Select 'move it to a specified folder', and then click into 'specified' and select the folder you've already created in your inbox. Click Next.

  2. Check 'except if my name is in the To or Cc box' (this ensures if an email is addressed to you directly it will come to your main inbox, so you don't risk missing it. Then click next.


  1. Name your rule, and click Finish!


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.