3. Reminder Settings
Reminder Settings
Configure reminders for each application, including reminder activation, content, and method.
2. Reminder Content
2.1 To-Do Items
Receive reminders for pending items when activated.
2.2 Application Results
Notifies the applicant of pass/fail status upon application completion.
2.3 CC
Receive notifications if a CC node is present in the app.
Notification Trigger: Members impacted by a rollback will receive alerts.
Alerts: The current process node's in-charge receives notifications when being urged.
Reminder Activation: Upon timeout warning condition activation, designated individuals are reminded through third-party platforms and email.
Reminder Activation: Upon timeout warning condition activation, designated individuals are reminded through third-party platforms and email.
3.1 Email Reminder
Functionality: Activate to receive notifications like to-do lists, application results, CCs, etc., in the bound mailbox.
Access: Enter the corresponding workspace via email to handle tasks.
Email Activation: Only activated email addresses receive reminders. Users should verify their email activation status.
Activation Path: [Personal Center] > [Account Information] > [Resend Email]
Email Subject Customization: Sensitive words in the subject might lead to blocking by the email service provider.
Language Settings: Default email language follows the external link language setting. Post-customization, it aligns with user settings, independent of external link language.
Custom Reminders: Flexibly set time, method, data, and person to be reminded. Click on the document below for the setting method.