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How To Submit Payments To Honorarium, Guest Lecturer Or Peer Reviewer?


The Honorarium, Guest Lecturer & Peer Reviewer Payment Request Form (HGL) is used to request token payments to individuals for service they performed, for which payment is optional.

By token payments, the University means a modest payment that reasonably equates to nothing more than a nominal payment in partial recognition of the speaker’s actual worth and intended to cover incidental expenses associated with the provision of the non-compensated services.

The criteria for an honorarium payment are as follows:

  • Must be a token payment
  • Payment must be one time
  • Payment must not be required for the services rendered where an amount has been agreed upon
  • Payment must be made to an individual and not a company

The threshold for an honorarium is $2,000 and is limited to 5 days within a 12-month period. Independent Contractor (IC) paperwork is needed for anything over $2,000.

The following steps will guide you through the process for submitting an HGL request in My New Source.

Accessing My New Source

  1. Login to your account
  2. Scroll to the Tools section of the navigation bar and click on Employee > MyNewSource.
    Screenshot showing the location of MyNewSource in the Employee tab under the Tools section in MyNewSchool.
  3. This will redirect you to My New Source. Follow the steps outline below to submit your HGL payment request.
If you are a first-time user, you will need to request access to My New Source before proceeding to the next section below. Please refer to How To Access My New Source? for instructions on how to request access.

Once your account is set up, follow the steps in the section below to create and submit your HGL payment request.

Navigating To The HGL Form

Please submit only one honorarium payment per requisition. The requisition will be rejected if it contains multiple honorarium payments.

  1. From the My New Source shopping page, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Honorarium, Guest Lecturer & Peer Reviewer form.image.png
  2. Click on the form to open it. The form will open in the same window.

Completing the HGL Form

Read the Important Note and select Yes to acknowledge the statement.image.png

Part 1: Payee/Supplier Information


1. Enter the payee's name in the Enter Supplier field. If the payee is not found, enter The New School Purchasing in the Enter Supplier field.

2. If the payee is available, select the option to confirm whether their name and address above is correct. If you entered The New School Purchasing in the Enter Supplier field above, then select Yes, the payee's name and address above is correct.

3. If you enter The New School Purchasing in the Enter Supplier field above, then provide the name and email address of the payee. This information is required and will be used to send a one-time supplier registration to the payee.

Also, if you indicate that the payee's name and address is incorrect, then provide the correct name and address, if known.

Part 2: Payment Type and Amount


1. Select Service Type and indicate whether this payment is being made to an employee of The New School.

Note: If payee is an employee of The New School, then DO NOT proceed with this request. The payee will have to be paid via payroll. Contact your HR Partner for assistance with making the payment. Find Your HR Partner

2. Select Payment Type and Date of Service.

The Date of Service is the date the payee performed the service.

3. Enter Event Name, Course Number (if applicable), and Credit Course.

4. Enter Payment Amount (in USD).

Part 3: Payment Justification


Read the IMPORTANT note and provide a description of the service.

Part 4: Payment Method


Select whether the payment should be made via Check or Direct Deposit/Wire. There will be a charge for direct deposit/wire payments.

Complete this section only if check should be mailed to an alternate address from Part 1.

Complete this section if the payment is being made via wire.

Certification Statement

Certify that the information provided is Parts 1-4 is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Finally, click Complete Form And Go To Cart button located at the top right of the form. This will add the form to your shopping cart.image.png

Submitting the HGL Form

  1. Enter the payee’s name as the Cart Name and click Proceed to Checkout.


1. Delete the default Cart Name and enter the payee's name as the Cart Name. This will make it easier to search for your request.

  1. A shipping address is required to submit a requisition.
    1. Click the pencil icon to select your shipping address.
    2. Change Results Per Page to 200 and click the magnifier glass to view all the shipping address in My New Source.
    3. Select your address from the list. If you work remotely, select ShipTo Other and enter your remote address. Click Save.


  1. Scroll to the Accounting Codes section and provide your worktags. Find Your Accounting Worktags
  2. Select the pencil icon to enter your accounting worktags. Click Save.image.png​​image.png
  3. Click Submit Requisition to submit your request for approval.image.png

Next Steps

The requisition will route for approval in My New Source.

If your payee exists in My New Source (Part 1), then payment will be issued to the payee in 5 days from the date the request was approved.

If you were unable to find your payee in Part 1 (your payee does not exists in My New Source), then Procurement will send a supplier registration to the payee. Please inform the payee that they will receive an email to register as a supplier for The New School. The registration can only be sent via email. The sender of the email is The New School and the subject is Supplier Invitation To Register for The New School. Click here.JPG to view a sample of the registration email sent to the supplier.

After the supplier submits their registration and it is reviewed and approved by Procurement, payment will be issued to the payee.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please email our support team at

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.