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New Test Set-up Procedures to Add a Test into GoRev LIS

One of the more important features of using the LIMS system is creating a new test for the testing compendium.

  1. On decision to add a new test, open a GoRev Support ticket. The client must provide the following:

    1. Name of test

    2. Type of test

    3. Device the test will be preformed on

    4. Documentation for Interpretation of Results

    5. Requested start date

  2. Configure the test settings in GoRev. See the guide to do this below.

  3. Notify any 3rd party vendors, such as EPD and provide them with necessary documentation they require.

  4. Insure the test is loaded onto the device correctly, enabled and configured to auto send the result file.

  5. Once GoRev has sent a confirmation that the bridge and listener are ready, contact Andrew, Breonne or Brandon before running your first sample. We will track the result file into the system and then we will need to write the code to interpret the file sent so that results are saved properly to the system.

  6. Once the interface is completed we will have you run a second sample to verify that the results are flowing properly.

  7. New test is safe to run

At any time you run updates on your devices from the manufacturer it is important that you notify GoRev first so that we can ensure that the updates do not change the format or configuration of the result file sent to the LIS.

Start date will depend on the several factors including time to coordinate interfaces with 3rd party vendors.

Creating a new test in GoRev

To start you will click on the ‘Lab module’ and then select ‘configuration’ icon. In the drop-down box select ‘edit test’.


This opens the edit test window. Before we start creating a new test let’s get familiar with the columns in the Test Compendium Table.


  • Test -The first column is the name of the analyte or individual test name.

  • Test Type or Order Type allows you to group tests or panels into separate types of tests.

  • The Result Category - defines how the test is displayed on the result PDF

  • Order category - Think of this as your panels. this is how you segment your induvial analytes within a test panel

We will discuss Each of these items further as we go forward with creating our new test

To create a new test we’re simply going to click the icon in the upper left-hand corner of the menu ribbon, called ‘New Test’ (highlighted in green in the above image) this will open the create new test window.


This is the window where we will enter the bulk of the information for the test we are going to create. Let’s talk about the fields inside of this window and what they do

  • Test Name - this is the official name of the analyte or test you’ll see in the Lab Order.

  • Test type - this controls which Order Type the test will appear within when placing an order. For example, if Covid is selected then all the tests that are shown in the order window will be tests associated with Covid; Antigen, PCR and Antibody test, etc.

  • Unit of measure - this is where you’ll select or enter the unit of measure for the test

  • Precision – this allows you to specify the number of decimal positions allowed to be shown for an example so if you select two then a result of 25.98643 will be displayed as 25.98 on the result file

  • Default specimen type – This is where you define the type of specimen that is required for the test. For example nasal swab, blood, urine, etc.

  • Primary CPT/HCPCS - this field allows you to enter the primary CPT code that would be coded on the claim for this particular test. We’ll talk more about adding additional CPT codes to specific tests later in a different video.

  • Testing method - this is used when the method for a test is required to be displayed on the result for example GCMS versus LCMS test.

  • Testing supply - allows you to select the supplies used during testing

  • The detection window is a free text field used to store values you may want to present on lab result designs or within GoRev. It does not impact any core LIMS functionality.

  • Container type allows you to set the type of container to be used for collection

  • Order manual dilution - this will send the test to your equipment with the flag requiring you to specify delusion within the equipment directly

  • Order test dilution - by default it is assumed that your ordered delusion is one point zero. You can change the order dilution to be sent to your equipment for the specific test here

  • Order reference range text -this will allow you to specify a user-friendly reference range that will be displayed on the result PDF.

  • Display test name - allows you to set a display name for this test that will be shown on the result file.

  • Reflex Tests – This feature allows you to automatically create a Reflex test based on the conditions of another test.

    • Pick the tests you want to have ordered and click ‘plus’ to add each one

    • Highlight each test you added, then specify what results or conditions the originating test must have in order for the specified reflex test to get ordered.

In this example, I have Opiates set to trigger whether Oxy is positive or negative. I've also got Morphine and Hydromorphone set to trigger only if Oxy is positive. All possible clinical ranges show up in the checklist so you can have more complex scenarios where you only reflex when something hits a high 2, 3, or 4 as an example.

The reflexed tests simply gets added to the existing specimen's order and will show as incomplete tests in the results overview until the new test are ran.


Additional settings

  • Disable test is how you can hide a test from your test compendium window. Tests are never deleted in the system, they can only be set to disable

  • Hide Quality Control - this allows you to exclude the test from QC

  • Always test - this setting allows you to make this specific task required whenever the panel that this test is located in is ordered

  • Non-numeric results – This is used with devices that provide qualitative results that are not numeric

  • Inclusive ranges – This is used when a range is the determining factor of a positive or negative result

Analyte Categorization

  • Result category – this controls the category block a specific test shows up within on the actual lab result.

  • order category – Think of this as your panels. this is how you segment your induvial analytes within a test panel. It is useful to create panels of tests, such as a CMP containing all the analytes that are required to complete a CMP. This makes it easy for users ordering the test as they simply need to click the box for the entire ‘category’ or’ panel’ and it will automatically select all the tests within that panel. You can add multiple tests to multiple categories using the Additional Categories Tab which we will talk about a little bit later in this video.

  • Linked lab screen - this is used for toxicology confirmation testing to link a quantitative confirmation to a qualitative screening test, linking the results. This will show in the linked screen to confirm

  • LOINC - the Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes for the specific test can be entered here. This also can be displayed on the result file.

  • LOINC description – The LOINC description can be entered here.

  • Test code-

  • Panel code

  • Order panel

  • Parent analyte — these are used to link tests to each other for display purposes on results. This is useful for a test such as opiate analyte or one test can result in multiple test analytes.

Test Vendor

  • Manufacture — Used to define the manufacture of the analyzer used on processing this test

  • Model — Used to define the model of the analyzer in conducting this test.

Override Status

We will discuss this section in more depth in the video titled clinical ranges but for now, we’ll just say that this section is used to set override status results verbiage on the patient result file.

Collection instructions — use this text box to include any instructions that should be followed when the specimen is collected.

Result comment — add any additional comments that you would like to be displayed on the patient’s result file for this test.

Now that we have our test created we will look at some additional settings that can be utilized at the bottom of the edit test window. They are accessed by selecting a test from your master test grid and then clicking into the tab sections:


  • Clinical Ranges Tab - This is where you will configure your reference ranges for a specific test. This feature is discussed in detail in the Clinical Ranges training video.

  • Billing Tab- This tab allows you to specify the CPT codes to be charged for this specified test.

  • Inbound Mapping Tab - This tab allows you to specify the analyte code your specific equipment refers to for this test.

  • Prescriptions Tab – In this tab, you can tie patient’s prescriptions to a test. If a user specifies this prescription while ordering and a negative result is returned for this test it will display an abnormal prescription result on the actual lab result. This is useful for highlighting when a patient is prescribed a medication but tests negative as it can indicate a patient is non-compliant.

    • To Edit a prescription simply double-click it. To add a new one click the ‘New’ button.

    • The Medication Mapping window will appear. Specify the medication name and click save.

  • Additional Categories Tab - This tab allows you to specify an additional Order category a test will appear within on a lab order. For example, Creatinine is to be orderable within the Complete Metabolic Panel and the Basic Metabolic Panel.

    • You can remove a category by clicking the Delete button. To add a new category click the ‘New’ button

    • The Edit Additional Categories window will appear. Note, you can select an existing used Category or you can free text to enter a new category. Once you have entered a new category for the first time it will become selectable in the drop-down going forward.

  • Medical Necessity Tab - This section will allow you to activate medical necessity mode for a specific test. This will require a user to input one of the valid diagnosis codes during the placing of the order to submit the order. If a user fails to enter a valid code they will receive a warning and will be unable to place the order. To add items simply type in the field and an instant search will show you relevant diagnosis codes. You can search by the actual code or by the description of the code.

    • This will impact the ordering process. A diagnosis code from the list you have specified must be entered here for it to be considered medically necessary.

  • Ask On Entry Tab - This section will allow you to turn on specific AOE (Ask on entry) questions for this test. Once turned on a user will be required to answer them when placing an order for this test.

  • Non-numerical Results – This is a new feature that will prove a way in the user interface to interpret non-numeric results.

GoRev Support Team

If you have any questions, concerns, or problems regarding this GoRev Tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by submitting an IT Support Ticket, by phone at 1-(317)-794-3900, and/or by email at

Note: If possible, always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing any problem that you are experiencing within GoRev. This will give GoRev Support Agents access to additional information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see theIT Support Ticket Creation for assistance.

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