Liquidity Pools - Specifying LPs for Brokering
Routing specific instruments or Counterparties to a nominated LP is done through a combination of Liquidity Pool configuration and Execution Rule tuning.
There are 2 ways to use Liquidity Pool config to specify the routing of specific instruments directly to a nominated LP:
- Using the Inclusive/exclusive filters as described in Liquidity Pools - Specifying LPs for Instrument Pricing
- This allows you to choose the LPs used in pricing and order routing for different instruments from your core broker pool or published pool
- Published price and fills will not show any slippage
- Creating a Single LP Pool
- This means you can specify counterparties or groups of counterparties to be directed to a chosen LP without impacting your published rate.
- e.g. you are able to route and fill orders on a wider rate without having to consume it into your own pricing, note this may result in client slippage
Using Inclusive/exclusive filters
Follow the steps on Liquidity Pools - Specifying LPs for Instrument Pricing to price an instrument from a single LP on a channels broker pool.
Then use execution rules to broker specific Counterparties+instruments, these will only be directed to the LPs referenced in the pool config.
Using a Single LP Pool
Create a new liquidity pool following the steps on Liquidity Pool Configuration, setting only a single constituent as the chosen LP. The naming convention to follow is LIQUIDITY_POOL_{LP name}
Set broker execution rules with a liquidity pool override to direct flow to the specific LP.